Chapter 18

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I scanned the first five pages on the history of George Washington. I had this huge test tomorrow  and  I couldn't  fail. I sighed at the thought of giving up when someone's finger touched  the answer . I looked up to see Tyler.

"Looking for something ?" he smirked.

"Thanks. I thought I'd never find it" I wrote the answer down and closed the book.

"So.....Jamie. About the whole boyfriend girlfriend thing. Were you serious ?" he asked.

"I mean if you want it too.." Our faces were inches away. I could see in  his eyes  he  wanted  to kiss  me, but then our substitute teacher Ms. Khalad walked  in and made her way to the center of the class, but paused.

"Am I interrupting something?" she asked.

"Pretty much.." Tyler mumbled but I elbowed him and shook my head.

"Not at all, Ms. Khalad"

Soon the rest  of the students came in and took their seats. After class I make my way to my locker with Tyler following behind.

"Hey, you wanna go out tomorrow afterschool. Nothing special. Just hang?" Tyler asked.

"Sure. I'd like that" I smile and put my combination in my locker and it opened.

We started walking to Tyler's locker that was around the hallway when we saw an unusual sight. It was Jordan and Chres. Ty and I hid behind the wall watching them.

"So..Tonight?" Jordan moved a strand of hair behind her hair blushing.

"Yeah." Chres held up her chin with his hand.

"I'll call you" she blushed.

They kissed and then Chres headed for the gym and Jordan was coming our way. We couldn't let her see us so I yanked Tyler's arm and accidentally slipped and we fell inside the janitor's closet. The door was wide open by the way) He fell on top of me. That very moment the door opened.

"How's the air in there?" Jordan ask with her hand on her waist.

"Oh...hey, Mrs. August." Tyler cooed picking me up off the floor.


I laugh. "He dosen't mean nothing" I brush of my clothes.

"You guys were watching, right?" she folds her arms.

"A little..." I rub my arm.

"Without popcorn" Tyler laughs.

"Whatever...It was nothing. Well I'm going to the gym" Jordan says.

"Tell Chres I say hey!" I shout and watch her wave goodbye as she makes her way to the gym.

"So....where are we going again?" I ask Tyler.

"Its a surprise." he smiles.

"Is it the beach? The mall? A restaurant?"

"Now if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise. Would it?" Tyler kisses me on the nose.

"I could pretend to act surprise.." I poke him.



Thanks 4 reading.! So I'm gonna bring Jailie into this more#Jacob and his new girl Hailie, ooomg more drama along the!!. 4 now comment and vote!

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