Chapter 14

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I felt so horrible. I felt like dyeing. Yeah that kind of horrible. The kind of horrible when you liked a person,rejected that person, lied to that person, fought for that person then got rejected by that person. I haven't talked to Gabrielle nor Jordan since. Everytime they try to talk to me I just constanly avoid them, but looks like that was the end of avoiding because I was dragged to my locker by the two.

"Okay girl. What is your problem?" Jordan put her hand son her waist.

" Nothing" I lied.

"Yes ever since Jacob told you he just wanted to be friends you've been all quiet up" Gabrielle copied Jordan's position.

"Okay, fine. I feel horrible. I dont wanna be friends with Jacob. I love him" I held my head. I felt a horrible head ache coming on.

"Look, Jamie. You need to get over Jacob. He got over you" Gabrielle said

"I know and I will. Come on lets go before we're late to class." I wiped the tear that was forming and we headed to class.

Everyone took their seats and Mrs. Penagar our history teacher stood up from her desk and made her way to the front of the class. That very second a boy rushed in when the bell rung. 

"I'm here! I'm here!" he came in with some books falling out of his bed.

"Late again, Mr. Shaun" Mrs. penagar scolded.

"I'm not late. You heard the bell." he picked up the falling books.

"Fine. Dont let this happen again. For now you can take a seat next to Jamie. Jamie, please raise your hand." Mrs. penagar ordered.

I did what she said and he came and sit beside me.

"Okay class. Page 87 in your textbooks."

I took out my textbook and started turning to the page when I noticed some pair of dark brown eyes eyeing me from the side.

"Can I help you?" I cock my head to the side.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Tyler, but you can call me Ty. What page did she say again?" he asked.

I was pretty sure he heard her, but anyway..

"Page 87. I'm pretty sure you heard her."

"Yeah, I did. I just wanted to hear if you had a beautiful voice to match with that beautiful face of yours" he smirked.

I blushed. Wow...That was hard to stop doing when you were me. I'm a blushaholic.

"Thanks, I'm Jamie." I smiled.


okay I know I just updated oh my God I had to update this one I just had to!!!!!!!!! On the side is Tyler>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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