It's All Normal

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Modern AU, fluff


"Am I awesome or am I awesome?" 9 year old Dec beamed as they walked into their kitchen. He and Ant were coming in from outside after practicing football.

"I was going easy on yous," Ant pouted.

"No, you weren't! I'm just better than you! I'm gonna be the Toon's future striker and I'm gonna be the best in the league, me!" He playfully stuck his tongue out at his best friend.

An argument on who would be the future best striker in the English Premier League then ensued. The loud "discussion" drew Cam's attention, who was upstairs in her room.

"Oi, titches! What's all the yelling about?"

"Nowt, Cam! Just stay out of it, will ya?"

Knowing she won't get anything out of Dec, she turned to Ant. She knew her brother's best friend had a little crush on her, so why not use it to her advantage. "Ant, do you wanna tell me  what you guys were fighting about?"

Ant is quick to supply a reply to Cam. "We were just talking about who'll be the best striker in the league when we're both playing for Newcastle."

"That's all you two were fighting about," Cam chuckled. "Thought you twos were fighting 'bout something serious."

"It is serious, Cam!"

"Sure, Decky. Sure." She ruffled his hair. This earned her a hand-swatting from her little brother.

"Now, do you guys want a snack or sommat? You know, to help you boys grow to be the best footie players."

That perked up Dec a little bit. "We want biscuits, Cam! Biscuits!"

"That doesn't sound very healthy, Decky. Don't think biscuits will make you the best. Right, Ant?"

This time Ant didn't side with her. "Biscuits!"

The two then started to chant until Cam gave in.

"Alright, alright! Biscuits, it is!"

She tiptoed to reach the highest shelf. They had stored the biscuits jar up there so that the youngest member of their family couldn't get his tiny hands on it.

Cam almost got the jar when the boys' cheering turned into shrieks. She spun around to see what was the matter.

"What is it?"

"There's blood coming out of your butt!" Dec yelled.

Oh, no...not now, Cam thought.

"Oh my god, you're gonna die!" Ant cried.

"Boys, calm down." She tried to sound as calm as she could, but it doesn't seem to be working.

"You're gonna die!" Ant wailed.

"No, no! I'm not!" She knelt down in front of Ant and hugged him to try and stop him from crying, but this doesn't help.

Dec, on the other hand, was now rummaging through the cupboards. "We gotta try to stop the bleeding, Cam! Just like they do on the telly!"

He yanked out a table cloth from one of the drawers and presented it to Cam. "Here, we can probably use this, Cam!"

The older Donnelly let go of Ant and turned her attention to her little brother. "Dec, I'm gonna be fine. This is normal for girls."

"Oh my's normal for girls to bleed out from their butts!" Dec looks horrified at Cam's revelation.

Ant just cried harder.

Dec returned to turning the kitchen up side down.

"No, not from our butts," Cam sighs. I can't believe I'm about to explain menstruation to my 9 year old brother and his friend when I'm having it for the first time. "When they're older, girls bleed from their-"

Before she can continue, Anne walked into the kitchen. "What is going on here?!"

Everyone paused and turned to her. Then all of a sudden, all three kids came running up to her.

Simultaneously, the kids was yelling different things at her.

"Mrs. D, Cam is gonna die!"

"Mam, Cam is bleeding out of her butt!"

"Mam, I got my first period!"

Already tired of the sensory overload, Anne demanded for silence. When they got silent, Anne gave out orders.

"Cam, go upstairs and sort yourself out. Remember what I taught you," Anne says calmly. "I'll check up on you in a bit."

Not wasting another second, Cam made her way to the bathroom.

Anne then turned to the two young boys. Ant is still crying, while Dec looks terrified.

"Oh come here, you two." She engulfed the two in an embrace and rubbed their backs. "Everything is fine. Cam is gonna be okay."

"But, but-" Ant started.

"Shh, shh," Anne quieted the little boy. "Believe me, Anthony. She's gonna be fine."

"What's happening to her, Mam?"

"You're always a curious one, aren't ya?" Anne chuckled. She then dove into a simplified explanation about periods.

"It's all normal," Anne says to end her explanation.

At the end of it, Ant had stopped crying and joined Dec in feeling horrified. Anne saw it as a typical from the boys. They're too young to understand that these physiological changes are normal.

"Okay, I'm gonna go check on Cam now. You two stay here."

As Anne disappeared upstairs, Ant & Dec just sat in silence for a bit. It was Ant later on that spoke up first.

"Dec," Ant hiccuped.

"Yeah, Ant?"

"I don't think I like your sister anymore," Ant whispers. "I don't think I even like girls anymore."

"Same here," Dec says blankly. "Boys are better anyway. Like you, Ant. I like you."

Ant shrugs his shoulder. "I guess I like you, too."

"Never gonna like girls ever again."

"Never again," Ant agrees.

Little did they know that they really weren't gonna like girls when they get older. The only people they ever liked was each other. Later on, their crushes on each other turned into love.

And to them, that is the most normal thing to ever happen in their lives.

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