Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Unedited chapter...

Kylie Gray

As soon as I got into the house, I could smell the musty scent of tobacco and alcohol. Despite all my dark get-up and everything, I despised those two smells. It was the smells I had grown up with and as far as anyone could see, I was screwed up.

I wrinkled my nose and stormed into my room. I could hear some men laughing in the dining room, which was also known to hold the so-prized poker table. My parents must’ve had “friends” over again, which was just fine with me. Yes, even though we just moved in a week ago, they already had the poker table out. At least they wouldn’t be paying attention to me.

Sighing and sitting down on my bed, I wondered if the boy next door had messed up parents like me. Often, I would wonder why I didn’t just run away. But then I remember that if I did, I would have absolutely nothing.

My eyes looked over my small room. There were some boxes that were still unpacked in the corner of my room. I already had my dark purple comforter laid on my bed. I had a small desk on the side by my bed. My laptop sat on it, along with my table lamp.

Not even bothering to get ready for bed, I just laid my head on the pillow and fell asleep. Hopefully, tomorrow won’t suck as much as I think it will, I thought.


Of course, like always, I was right. The beginning of the day started out terrible. I lifted my head up from my pillow and looked out the window. There were bits of a rosy pink in the sky and the sun was peeking out of some white wisps of clouds.

“Kylie!” my mom’s voice screeched. “Get your ass out of bed! You’re going to be late.”

Yep. Welcome to my life.

I sighed and pulled my covers off, getting my feet on the floor. It was cold. I yawned and went to my personal bathroom. That was the only plus one with this house. I didn’t have to share my bathroom with anyone.

I quickly brushed my teeth and changed my earrings. The one on my earlobe. I picked out my favorite red heart ones that had a black lightning scar to split it in half. They were my lucky earrings. I made sure my layered hair was cute and presentable.

Even though I wasn’t one to dress up, I put on some eyeliner and made a wing tip, which were somewhat my specialty. I put on some mascara and smiled at myself in the mirror. I went to my closet and picked out a black crop top that had a big smiley face on it with x’s for eyes. It was cute, but didn’t make me seem like a sappy teenage girl. I threw on some black tights and short shorts.

Then I went outside to my living room. There were plenty of ashtrays laying around from last nights poker game and I frowned. Sighing, I headed into the kitchen. “Get me some coffee with a shot of tequila, Kylie,” my dad ordered.

I glared at him. “No,” I said. “I’m not your stupid servant.”

“Get it.” He used a hard tone and I knew if I said no again, I was going to get beaten. Sighing, I grabbed his coffee mug and poured him some. Then I went into the alcohol drawer and grabbed the tequila. Grabbing a shot glass, I poured one and filled it to the rim before dumping it into my dad’s coffee. Sometimes I thought about giving him more so that he would get drunk and forget about going to work, but I would always decide against it.

Despite the fact that I hated alcohol, I poured myself a shot and chugged it. Shaking my head and ignoring the bitter taste, I walked to hand my dad his drink. I coughed. I could feel some tears stinging my eyes from the taste.

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