Part 16 - Brittany's phone call

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At the Chipettes house

It was 8PM and Brittany decided it as time to phone Alvin and apologise to him. She walked over to the phone and called the number to Daves house.

At Daves house

The phone was ringing so Dave got up and answered it.

"Hello" Dave answered 

"Um hi Dave, um can I speak to Alvin please" said Brittany

Dave could tell Brittany was nervous or worried about something but still he gave the phone to Alvin

"It's for you" Dave said passing the phone to Alvin

Alvin looked confused but answered the phone

"Hello" answered Alvin

"Hi Alvin its me" said Brittany

"Brittany? What's wrong why are you calling at this time?" Alvin asked

"Well if you give me chance to speak I will tell you" Brittany joked

"Ok fine go ahead" said Alvin

"Um I'm phoning cause I want to apologise, for how I was to you earlier" explained Brittany

"You don't have to apologise I know you was made at me" said Alvin

"I know but....I shouldn't have had a go at you like that, it's just not me, I never shout at anyone like that normally" explained Brittany

"Well there is a first time for everything" Alvin joked

"very funny Alvin" said Brittany with sarcasm "we are still friends though arnt we?" Asked Brittany

"Yea of course we are, I was going to ask you the same thing cause you didn't speak to me after the science lesson" explained Alvin

"I know I'm sorry, I just needed some time to calm down and get my thoughts back together" explained Brittany

"That's fine I understand don't worry" said Alvin

"I want to make it up to you, by asking if you would like to come round to our house tomorrow after school to show you something exciting" said Brittany

"You don't have to make it up to me, you have apologised and that's good enough for me" explained Alvin

"No, no, I want you to make it up to you I feel bad for having a go at you today" explained Brittany "please come round tomorrow I really love you"

Brittany panicked at what she just said "I mean I would love you to come to mine, I love your company"

Alvin was confused at what Brittany just said. "Right......shall I ask Dave now then if I can come to yours tomorrow?" Asked Alvin

"Yes please" said Brittany in a happy tone 

"I will ask Dave now, wait a second" replied Alvin

Alvin put the phone on the table.

"Dave can I go round to the chipettes house tomorrow to see Brittany?" Alvin asked

"Yea of course as long as you don't do anything inappropriate or try taking advantage of her" said Dave

"What I'm not like that Dave, we are just friends" said Alvin blushing 

"I know that's why I am asking you not to take advantage of Brittany, I know what you two are like when your together" explained Dave

Alvin rolled his eyes. "So is that a yes? I can go round?" Alvin asked

"Yes you can go round" said Dave

Alvin picked the phone back up "Brittany I can come round to your house tomorrow" 

"Yay that's great!!" Said Brittany in a happy and excited voice "will see you tomorrow then" 

"Yea see you tomorrow at your house after school" said Alvin

"Oh yea school" Brittany said as if she forgot school tomorrow "anyway bye Alvin" 

"Bye Brittany" Alvin replied 

"Oh and Alvin I heard everything you and Dave just discussed when you asked if you could come to mine" Brittany pointed out

Alvin blushed. "Yea um that's cool" said Alvin

"Anyway got to go now bye" said Brittany with a giggle and then putting the phone down

"Wow I'm going to Brittany's house tomorrow and she said she had something exciting to show me" Alvin thought to himself 

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