Part 35 - Friday night, the party begins!

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Friday 4:30pm at school 

Alvin Simon and Theodore had just finished singing there song to Brittany after school and were leaving school now. Meanwhile Jeanette and Eleanor left school at 3pm like most other students and had been shopping and we're now setting up the party for Brittany for tonight. 

"That was great you guys I really liked your singing" said Brittany

"Thanks Brittany" said Theodore

"We can sing more often for you if you like" said Alvin 

"Don't get too confident, me and my sisters are good at performing too" replied Brittany 

"Are you looking forward to your party tonight" asked Simon

"Yea I can't wait" said Brittany really excited  

"You can't go home yet though Brittany" said Simon

"What? Why can't I go home yet?" Asked Brittany in an angry voice

"Because Jeanette and Eleanor will be setting your party up for tonight" Simon pointed out

"Oh yea didn't think of that" said Brittany in a sad tone 

"Well where should Brittany go?" Asked Theodore

"I'm not sure lets phone Dave see what he suggests" said Alvin

Alvin Simon Theodore and Brittany walked back into school and went to reception to get the phone and call Dave. Simon called the number

Dave's house 

The phone was ringing and Dave answered it

"Hello" answered Dave

"Hi Dave it's Simon, um what shall we do with Brittany?" Asked Simon

"What do you mean what shall you do with her?" Asked Dave quite concerned and confused 

"I mean we have sang her a song but she can't go home yet because her sisters are setting her party up for tonight" explained Simon "where should she go?" Asked Simon 

"If she can't go home yet, then she can come to our house till her party tonight" said Dave

"Ok will let her know now then, thanks Dave" said Simon

At school 

"Brittany Dave says you can come to ours and we will drop you off at your house when your party starts" explained Simon 

"Yay more time with Alvin" said Brittany in a happy voice

Alvin grabbed Brittany and hugged her

"Anytime I am with you makes me love you even more" said Alvin 

Brittany blushed and giggled at Alvin 

Dave's car pulled up outside school 5 minutes later and Alvin Simon Theodore and Brittany got in the car and went to Dave's house for a few hours till it was time to go to the party

Friday 7:50pm at the chipettes house

Alvin Simon Theodore and Brittany where just outside the house and where ready to go to the party in the back garden. Brittany grabbed the door and held it open for the chipmunks to go though 

"Brittany you can go first it's your party" said Alvin grabbing the door for Brittany 

"Thanks Alvin" said Brittany smiling at Alvin

After Brittany walked past the door Simon and Theodore followed and Alvin went after them. 

They were all in the back garden and were standing at the party now.

"Wow this place looks awesome" said Brittany

"Thanks Brittany, took us all afternoon to set up" said Eleanor

Jeanette moved closer to Brittany "hope you and Alvin haven't been having too much fun together, don't want any kids anytime soon" whispered Jeanette so only Brittany could hear her

"Jeanette we are not like that, we don't want kids yet" said Brittany 

"Let's start the party!!!" shouted Alvin

With that music came on and crates of beer and cider where brought out of the house

"You lot can have some alcohol but don't drink too much, don't want any of you getting drunk" said miss hobnob 

The chipmunks and chipettes all grabbed a can of beer or cider each and then sat at a table with there counterparts. 

After 5 minutes Theodore and Eleanor were dancing, Simon and Jeanette were talking about things that had happened recently (with Brittany) and Alvin was dancing to try and impress Brittany 

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