Part 34 - let's plan this party!

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Thursday, 3pm, End of the school day, outside school 

"Bye Brittany, we will phone you and tell you when miss hobnob wants you back home ok?" Called Jeanette

"Yea that's fine, make it as late as possible" said Brittany. 

Alvin looked at Brittany

"Why make it as late as possible, is it so you have more time with me?" Joked Alvin

"Well never" said Brittany with sarcasm with a giggle 

Alvin smiled and laughed too

"When Brittany comes back home Dave can pick me up and take me home then" pointed out Simon to Jeanette

"Yea that makes Sense" replied Jeanette

"See you later sister, will miss you" shouted Eleanor

"It's only for a few hours" Brittany called back

With that Alvin Brittany and Theodore got inside Daves car and Simon Jeanette and Eleanor were walking to the chipotles house.

At the chipettes house 

Simon Jeanette and Eleanor went up to the chipettes bedroom as soon as they entered the house. Simon was dragged up the stairs and into the bedroom by Jeanette  

"Ok, um Jeanette should I be in your bedroom?" Asked Simon nervously 

"Yea because we are making a plan for the party in our bedroom and I brought you here" said Jeanette

"Is there a problem you been in our bedroom?" Asked Jeanette sweetly 

"Well it's like a private place for you and your sisters and I don't want to intrude" said Simon

"Simon, just park your bum right here on the floor, you are allowed in our room, we have given you permission" shouted Eleanor

Simon looked shocked. He had never heard Eleanor shout before.

Simon slowly entered the bedroom and sat when he was told. Jeanette glared at Eleanor

"Opps, sorry Simon I didn't mean to shout at you, I just lost my patience that's all, promise it won't happen again" said Eleanor in a sad voice

"It's ok I forgive you" said Simon

Jeanette coughed and stopped them talking. Then she pulled a sheet of paper out of a science book.

"Here is a list of things that I think Brittany will need and want at her party tomorrow, can you two have a read and see if you agree with me and if I have missed anything" asked Jeanette

Simon grabbed the list and started reading it. Eleanor moved closer to Simon and her body was touching his. This made Simon blush. "Oh sorry Simon personal space" said Eleanor quickly and moved slightly away from Simon

Jeanette glared at Eleanor again and shook her head. "I brought Simon around to help us plan, not so you could flirt with him, Eleanor. Besides Simon likes me more and Theodore likes Eleanor more so why is she flirting with him" Jeanette thought to herself angrily  

"Jeanette are you ok? You look a little mad" asked Simon

"What's?...oh right...yea I'm fine, sorry for worrying you sexy Simon" said Jeanette in a sexual tone with a giggle afterwards 

"Ok then" said Simon quickly and then blushing bright red

5 minutes later

Simon and Eleanor had just finished reading the list that Jeanette had given them

"The list is great Jeanette you have thought of everything, well done, even I'm impressed" said Simon in a happy voice. After Simon's comment Jeanette blushed bright red

"All we need to do is go shopping and get these things for the party tomorrow" said Eleanor 

"We can go tomorrow after school" said Jeanette

"What about Brittany, she will want to go shopping with us" reminded Eleanor 

"Oh right yea, um.." Jeanette said unsure what to say

"I know me Alvin and Theodore will perform a song after school and Brittany can stay and watch after school, then we can go to your house for the party after" said Simon 

"That's a great idea Simon, oh your so smart and handsome" said Jeanette daydreaming 

"Let's phone Daves house and see if Alvin and Theodore will perform with you Simon tomorrow after school" said Eleanor

"I'm sure they will" said Simon

At Dave's house

The phone started ringing and Dave answered it. 

"Hello" answered Dave 

"Hello Dave it's Eleanor Simon wants to ask Alvin something about tomorrow" said Eleanor

"Alvin!!!" Shouted Dave

"Oh man what have I done now?" Asked Alvin

"Simon wants to speak to you" said Dave

"Can't it wait till he comes home" said Alvin

"Alvin please just answer the phone" said Dave

"What is it Simon, Brittany doesn't have to go home yet does she it's only 5:30pm" said Alvin

"No that's not it, listen are you alone, Brittany is not near you is she" whispered Simon 

 "No she is upstairs why what is wrong?" Asked Alvin concerned 

"Me you and Theodore need to perform a song after school and keep Brittany at school with us to stole for time, so that Jeanette and Eleanor have time to set the party up" said Simon

"What song shall we sing?" Asked Alvin

"Never mind that right now, is that OK with you and Theodore, that we are going to sing a song in front of Brittany tomorrow after school" asked Simon

"Yea that's fine with me and that's two votes to one so its fine with Theodore too" said Alvin 

"That's great, will talk more about the party plans later bye for now" said Simon before putting the phone down

At the chipettes house

"We are going to sing a song tomorrow to stole Brittany at school and then you two can set the party up" said Simon

"That's great thank you and your brothers for us" said Jeanette

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