Part 33 - Simon makes arrangements with Dave

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At Daves house

The car pulled up and Alvin Simon Theodore and Dave got out of the car. As soon as Dave opened the door to the house Alvin was straight in the house and went over to the TV in the living room.

"I am putting my PlayStation game on before anyone else can come and take over the TV" called Alvin

"What about the wild life channel with meerkats?" Said Theodore 

"Sorry Theodore that will have to wait but you can watch me on my game if you want" said Alvin

"Wow what game is it?" Asked Theodore

"Crash Bandicoot warped" replied Alvin 

"Oh wow that sounds great I will watch you" said Theodore

Simon saw Alvin and Theodore had settled down so he went over to Dave who was in the kitchen. Simon went in the kitchen and closed the door behind him

"Hi Simon what's wrong? Why have you closed the door?" Asked Dave

"I need to talk to you about something and I can't let Alvin or Theodre hear us" said Simon

Dave looked concerned "Simon what has happened?" Said Dave in and angry voice

"Nothing bad Dave, it's just Jeanette and Eleanor are planning a surprise party tomorrow after school for Brittany because Brittany is having a surprise party on Friday" started Simon

"Ok where do you or me come in this?" Asked Dave

"Well I was wondering if I could go to the chipettes house tomorrow and help Jeanette and Eleanor out to set up and plan the party?" Said Simon

"Is this a way for you to get some alone time with Jeanette?" Asked Dave

"What no, this is time for me to help Jenette and Eleanor out for the party" said Simon

Dave sighed "OK Simon you can go to the chipettes house and help out tomorrow after school" said Dave 

"Thanks Dave" said Simon in a happy tone

"But as the responsible chipmunk of the group I expect you not to do anything inappropriate with Jeanette" said Dave

"I won't do anything like that Dave but why do you think we will all do 'that' with our counterparts" asked Simon

"Because you are all growing up and I'm worried that you will make decisions with the chipettes and I don't want you to regret any decisions you make with them, what I mean is what if you 'did it' with Jeanette and she became pregnant, you would be a father and I don't think you are responsible or ready for that role in life yet" explained Dave

"I understand Dave thanks for explaining that" said Simon 

Dave stood up and was going to go in the living room but Simon called him back

"Oh and Dave, can Brittany come around here while we are planning the party?" Asked Simon

"She can for me, but it depends if miss hobnob will let her come around here" replied Dave

"Ah right yea I will ask Jeanette to ask miss hobnob if Brittany can come around here tomorrow" said Simon 

"Oh and Dave one last thing to ask you" Said Simon

Dave did not look happy anymore he was tired and wanted to sit down

"Can it wait Simon please?" Asked Dave

"Yea it can wait a bit" replied Simon

"Ask me later like 8pm when I have had a rest ok?" Suggested Dave

"OK Dave will ask you then" said Simon before Dave went in the living room

After Dave had gone, Simon run to the phone and called the chipettes house

At the chipettes house

"Someone get the phone then" said Jeanette

"Do I have to go?" Said Brittany with sarcasm 

Eleanor and Jeanette sat quietly 

"Ok fine I will answer the phone" said Brittany in an angry voice

Brittany picked up the phone "hello" Brittany answered

"Hi Brittany its Simon is Jeanette there?" Asked Simon 

"I will get her wait a second" said Brittany

"Jeanette, Simon wants you" said Brittany 

"Oh wow, I didn't realise I was that special to him" said Jeanette going bright red "If he likes me that much why didn't he say at school today?" 

"Jeanette!! Grab the phone!! NOW!!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice

"Hello Simon" said Jeanette

"Hi I can come to your house tomorrow after school to help you and Eleanor set the party up and Brittany can come to our house if miss hobnob says it's ok" explained Simon

"That's great news" said Jeanette with a giggle "more time with you" said Jeanette in a happy and dream voice "I mean I will ask miss hobnob but I'm sure it will be fine" she said quickly 

"Ok will see you tomorrow at your house" said Simon 

"Bye sexy, I mean Simon" said Jeanetet

Jeanette went Bright red with embarrassment as her sisters laughed at her 

"What's so funny?" Jeanette asked

"Nothing" said Brittany and Eleanor at the same time

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