Chapter 20

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Your Pov:
    I woke up with a body holding me from the side of me. I looked down and saw Camila cuddling me and she was naked and so was I. Last night was amazing but it felt weird but I don't care, I never stopped loving her but Dinah gave up on me and Camila didn't so maybe I should stay with here with her. My thoughts were interrupted with Camila moving against me. I wrapped my arm around her and held her close to me. "I love this feeling" she mumbled against my chest and I smiled. "I love this feeling too Mila" I said and she looked up at me and kissed me on the lips which I quickly reciprocated. "Mm Cami I need to tell you something" I said and she kissed the side of my jaw instead. "I'm still going back to LA" I said and she stopped and mumbled an 'Oh'. "No I didnt mean it like as if... Look last night meant a lot to me, I don't know about you but I want to move over here to be closer to you, I mean Dinah already left me for someone else, I should be happy too" I said and she smiled and kissed me again. "Yes live over here I want too see you all the time" she said smiling and I laughed and kissed her on the lips slowly and gently. "I'll leave my clothes here and fly over there and transfer jobs over here and get trucks to bring my shit once I get a house." I said and she smiled. "Can I help you look for a place" she asked and I nodded. "Wanna look for a place today" I asked and she nodded. "The sooner the better" she said and I was about to get up but I forgot I was naked. I was next to my drawer luckily. So I reached for a new pair of boxers and slipped them on and got out of bed. I put on my pants and bike shoes and then I handed camila a pair of my boxers since I kinda ripped her underwear last night. I handed the bra to her. I slipped on a shirt and she put on my clothes also. "Just so you know I'm keeping this hoodie" she said and I nodded "good cuz you look better in it anyway" I said as I hugged her from behinds and kissed her cheek. "Okay lets go house hunting" she said as she left my room skipping happily making me laugh. I grabbed my phone and keys and once I locked my door and I held Camila's hand walking out of the Hotel. We got in my car and I searched for a house and saw a bunch of expensive ones.

      We drove around and I gave up "camila these house are huge and I'm gonna live alone" I said and she stayed quiet then smiled "come live with me and Arnny" she said and she pouted. "Please we both miss you so living with us is going to be amazing trust me" she said and I pretend to think and she pushed me and I kissed the back of her hand that I was holding. "I mean I guess I can move in with the two of you" I said and she squealed and kissed me. "Okay now let's go to my house" she said and she gave me directions as I drove.

    "So there's our house and if you're scared you can just cross the hall and knock on my door" Camila said as she went into her room after giving me a tour of her house. "I'm sure that it'll be the other way around but whatever" I said as I sat on her bed and she was going to sit beside me but I pulled her onto my lap and I kissed her neck and she moaned making me suck harder. "Stop Arnny is downstairs and you still need to go back to LA" she said and I groaned and kissed her again but on the lips and she got up and I lazily got up and she laughed. "Your flight leaves in two hours lets go" she said and I pouted. "I wanna stay in bed all day with you tho" I said as I fixed my hair. "Yes but the sooner you leave the sooner we are going to be together" she said and I smiled. "That's true... Now let's go and when I come back we are gonna have a day off and cuddle all day" I said and she smiled and kissed me. "Me too" she said and she grabbed my hand and pulled me  downstairs. "Arnny I'm taking y/n to the airport" Camila said to her cousin and he nodded. "Okay but now that you're living with us u don't wanna hear you guys like together" Arnny said and I laughed. "No we won't only when you're out of the house" I said and he glared at me. "I hate you so much" Arnny said as he walked away with his laptop. "You're so mean to him" Camila said laughing.

    I got off the plane and I left my headphones on not eanting anyone to talk to me. I put my backpack on and walked down the stairs since everyone was on the escalator. Once I was down I got into an empty. I gave him the address to my house and we got there in 2 hours since there was traffic and I live more near the Hollywood. Once we arrived I paid him and I got my backpack and saw the house I now shared with my ex. I saw my Jeep and Range Rover and smiled since they were still clean. I opened the door and heard people in the Kitchen. I sighed and I slowly walked into the Kitchen and I saw Dinah with another guy and they were laughing. I knocked on the door slowly and she turned around and her smile dropped and she came up to me. "Y/n You're here, I thought you wouldn't wake up until another 2 months" Dinah said and I shrugged my shoulders. "I woke up yesterday and I came back to take all of my things" I said and she slowly nodded. "Oh yea and congrats with the baby, I'm happy you found a guy that makes you happy" I said then I turned around and walked to my old room and grabbed my empty suitcases. I started to pack and Dinah came in and sat on the bed. "What happened when you woke up" she asked "well I woke up confused and saw this women I've never seen and turns out it was Camila which I found wierd but I then found out that I had a short term memory lost so I had no idea that I was in Miami or that you were pregnant but luckily Camila was with me the while time so she gave me a recap of what happened and she said something and now I'm moving in with her" I said casually while packing. "Oh so you're actually leaving me and the our baby" she said and I saw that she was in tears. "Dinah look... I don't know why we ended and I know that the baby is mine cuz you wouldn't cheat on me but I will still be in the baby's life, and once you're almost due I will be there by your side when you give birth to our baby we will probably be with someone new but just know that I won't ever hurt our baby okay?" I said and she nodded. I continued to pack and once i finished I brought them downstairs near the door. "What about your cars?" Dinah asked and I shrugged. "I think ima drive my Jeep to Miami and fly back here with Camila so I don't go alone in my Range Rover" I said and she nodded "so you're with Camila now?" She asked and I smiled and nodded. "Well not officially, but she was always there for me when I was in the hospital and she would never leave me alone and I think I need to be with someone like her and even tho I just spent one day with her, I was really happy" I said and she nodded. I looked at her and I hugged her and she cried on my shoulder. "We will always be friends okay?" I said and she nodded. "Okay well I think I should go and hit the road" I said but she stopped me. "Won't it boring going alone" she asked and I nodded. "I'll go with you then, I don't have to work until next week so lets go" Dinah said and I looked at her weird "won't it be weird" I asked and she smiled and shook her head "only if you make it weird" she said and I nodded. "Okay well do you wanna pack at least a few clothes cuz we're gonna be on the road for a few days" I said and she laughed "you're right let ne pack real quick" she said then left up stairs and I sighed. I wonder how Camila will feel I bring my ex aka the mother of my unborn child/ ex fiancee on the road with me. Why does my life have to be so difficult.

    Sorry for not posting I was visiting a college that's was 6 hours away and we were on a tight schedule but I'm met amazing awesome people and I got their Snapchat and they live not that far from me but either way...


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