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Anyone think of me and this fic on June 22nd lmaoo? I tried to update for then but school is killing me. I swear every country aside the UK are on summer holiday now fml

"I feel like if we don't do something like really quickly something bad will happen."

"Plus PJ's trial is days away." another person noted.

Admittedly Dan had forgotten all about PJ, which was a little rude on his part but he had been preoccupied. It wasn't like he ever usually gave the boy a second thought anyhow.

"So if we do this, we do this now?"

"Within the next few days, definitely." Dodie agreed.

Dan didn't want to think about the fact his entire plan could backfire and the situation only get worse. But that certainly didn't stop him. He also wasn't sure if he trusted Joe, he was nice as a person (a little lazy, though nice all the same), however he really wasn't sure he wouldn't mess things up.

How difficult could it be? he thought. Dan figured it was more down to pressure than actual capability.

"I'm nervous, you guys." Joe muttered. "I was sorta hoping we'd avoid this for a little longer."

"That's what you get for never taking responsibility for anything."

"Not the time, Zoe!"

He'd never remembered arguing with his own brother when he lived with his family. Dan's brother was a couple of years older than him which meant he was the occasional victim of teasing or being kicked in the head with a football 'accidentally' (oddly specific, Dan he thought); but Joe and Zoe were so much worse.

"We should probably tell Robert before he actually agrees to spending time with them. Stop it all before it can start." Louise changed the topic to avoid further disagreements.

"I doubt he'll speak to me, Evan or Connie." Dodie responded. She was most likely right, he was still in a mood with them.

"Dan, you go - he's scared shitless of you." Chris told him.

"And that means what?"

"That he'll listen to you, less arguments - he'll just do what you say without question."

"Out of fear?"

"I was going to sugarcoat and say he respects you, but yes."

"Why try to sugarcoat the phrase 'he's scared shitless of you'?"

Chris shrugged in response.

"Is it even possible to change what you saw? Is there an actual point of this?" Dan continued, turning to Dodie.

"It depends, do you believe you can change your own fate?"

In Dan's mind, at least, anyone could change their own fate. He believed in two definite things: birth and death. But all that time in between those events could only be what that person made them. Dan could argue that he had changed his own fate (multiple times in fact), obviously certain people had helped him along the way, though they only influenced him, he always would be the one in control.

"Too early to be philosophical." someone murmured.

"It's literally five in the afternoon."

"Still too early."


Dan set out to find Robert, he never had been great at finding people or objects, the vast majority of the time he'd check all the usual places and give up. He made a list in his head, crossing through it as he passed certain rooms: not in any of the places serving food, nowhere Robert could sleep (but then again, the boy could sleep practically anywhere). With usual places empty, he was out of ideas.

Give up? Dan thought. No.

There was one more place. Somewhere often deserted, he knew because he'd spent time there on many occasions. A figure was sat on a chair towards the corner.

"Why are you in the library?" Dan walked up to Robert.

"I wanted to read a book." he made a gesture to the object in his hand that he'd obviously just picked up upon Dan's arrival. Probably to look like he was in the library for the correct reason.

Dan glanced at the writing on the book's spine.

"Pride And Prejudice, huh? Didn't think that'd be something you'd be interested in. Good book?"

"S'alright." he mumbled back.

"Well I'm sure your reading experience would be improved a hell of a lot if you weren't holding the thing upside-down." Dan responded flatly and the other boy turned the book the right way. "Now, why are you actually here?"

"Quietest place in the school to be right now, no exams and less classes to attend - it's not like anyone needs to be here, perfect for alone time."

Been there, done that he thought.

"Does that mean you know you're doing the wrong thing by hanging around with Alfie and his friends?"

"I was trying to distract them for a little while so you guys could focus on helping Phil and Connor. And if they told me anything about them I would tell you."

"We all get what you're trying to do, but Alfie, Cat and Marcus know what you're trying to do as well." Dan explained. "You can't play games with them, they're always one step ahead. Bad things happen to the people that play games."

"I just want to be helpful for once."

"You should talk to Joe sometime, I think you two have more in common than you know about."

"Oh please, I'm like a Walmart version of him. Except people laugh at him when he actually means to be funny." he murmured.

"Trust me, the amount of shit he gets from Zoe makes him feel useless too, he just hides it really well."

He couldn't help but feel sorry for Joe at times, he imagined that hearing what he heard day in and day out would eventually bring him down. It provided entertainment for the rest of them, but was most likely less enjoyable for him.

Dan quickly explained to him that Dodie reckoned in five days time Alfie, Marcus and Cat's powers had to be gone - temporarily, if not forever. He made sure to note that it was only really Joe and possibly Tyler who could do anything to help out, so he shouldn't feel useless about not playing a huge role.

"Do you love him?" Robert asked after a few seconds of silence had passed.

"Huh?" Dan questioned at the rather sudden change of topic.

"Everyone sees the way you look at him, do you love Phil?"

"Yes, I suppose I do."

This could be done in another 2/3 chapters what

Guess who's writing a 2012 angst fic I'm going to destroy you all :))
Should I post an excerpt? Or should it be a surprise??

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