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*Ten years later*

Time had passed and memories of their lives at the academy had become a little more distant, though Phil doubted they'd ever leave him completely. On the odd night he'd wake up after a vivid dream forcing him to relive the events of a decade before, but the face on the pillow to his right usually calmed him down pretty quickly.

Dan had rolled a little closer to him in his sleep, his head buried into the crook of Phil's neck and one arm loosely draped over his chest. Phil would happily stay in that position forever if he could, he liked the feeling of closeness - and the fact Dan would completely let his guard down was a pleasant change. Phil had come to learn that Dan actually craved intimacy far more than he let on, probably something to do with the fact he felt so alone whilst growing up.

Ironically enough, despite the fact he'd spent the majority of his life loathing school, Dan had become a teacher - one of English literature more specifically. Of course, he didn't teach at the academy (he and Phil vowed to never set foot in the godforsaken place again), he taught at a regular high school as a regular teacher. Dan had often told Phil that the eleven-year-old first years looked up to him, apparently he was one of the nice teachers who taught lessons that didn't drag on and would always listen to his student's problems - even if that meant he was a few minutes late to his own classes every now and again.

Tyler had decided not to move back to his native country, and instead stayed in England and started a family of his own. Partly because the vast majority of his friends lived there, but most because of their president. The American, however, couldn't quite grasp certain things about the country he now resided in (especially why nowhere stocked tater tots, or even knew what they were). Coincidentally Dan taught Tyler's son and, unsurprisingly, he was one of his best behaved students.

Zoe and Louise were the still the best of friends - they were now business partners, in fact. They co-owned a small café a few streets down from where Dan and Phil lived.

Chris had become an actor. As it turned out, pretending to be other people (and being good at it, too) came in handy in the real world. PJ was in the film industry, as well. He worked as a screenwriter and directed on occasion. He was planning a 'big project' with Chris, Phil didn't know a whole lot about it - only that the two of them were excited to meet up again since they'd grown apart after leaving school.

Alfie, Marcus and Cat were still locked away, and Phil didn't care for any updates regarding their wellbeing.

Dodie, Evan, Connie and Robert had all found themselves in the music industry. It was completely and utterly unplanned. The 'band' they'd decided to form one night in Connie's room using nothing but vocals and two pencils against a desk as a beat had been somewhat successful. They now had a decent following and played gigs in any small-ish venues that they could find. Connor had become an unusual mixture of a manager and roadie for them (he was only really payed in food and places to sleep, but that was beside the point). The band wasn't overly famous and they weren't rich by any means, though nevertheless they could live comfortably and happily.

Aaron had become a pastor at his local church, which was awfully predictable for someone like him. He fit the job very well though; he was a loving and kind person who influenced the people around him in the best ways possible.

And Joe? Joe was last seen in Barbados three months prior, but Zoe got regular postcards - presumably he was fine, wherever he was.

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