Chapter 2

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As I was walking back into to the store, my boss Preston called my name. I stopped and turned to face him only to find that his eyes were previously fixated on my backside. I grew uncomfortable until his gaze met mine.

Preston was a pretty nice guy if you were on his good side. He had dark, wavy hair with brown eyes to match. His complexion was dotted with a few acne scars, and a light beard trailed up his cheeks and down to his chin. He was also quite a bit taller than I was… maybe seven inches or so.

“Do you have the box of security devices? I need to use one to show a new employee how it works,” Preston explained.

“You hired someone new?” I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.

“No, but I’m going to put a sign up tomorrow and start looking for someone to work Brianna’s old shift,” he replied.

I nodded to myself, “Yeah, I can get you one.”

I turned and walked into the store with Preston following me. The five boys and their security guard were still in the store and they were messing with each other. I smiled and shook my head at how much they acted like little boys.

“I think the box is full, actually,” I told Preston over my shoulder.

I knelt down and looked through the box to find one that was filled with ink and not just a tag that caused the alarm to go off.

“Preston!” Brenda snapped.

I turned around to see what Preston was doing, but he was just leaning against the counter and waiting for me to get him a security device.

“Here,” I said, standing up straight and handing the white plastic to my boss.

“Thank you,” Preston replied, looking me up and down once. Did he think that he was invisible when he would check me out like that?

Preston gave me a quick smile before turning around and heading to the back of the store to return to his office.

“That guy is such a pervert,” Brenda stated, rolling her eyes as she folded the last shirt on the clearance table.

“He’s also the guy who signs our paychecks, so I’d keep my voice down if I were you,” I warned my best friend with a smirk.

Brenda stuck her tongue out at me before a thoughtful expression crossed her face, “Wouldn’t he get in a lot of trouble if he got caught looking at you like that?”

“Probably, but I’m not going to risk it. This is the only job I got after applying everywhere in this damn mall,” I replied.

It took me a few seconds to realize that the One Direction boys were still in here.

“You guys can sit down or something if you want… I don’t think that they’re leaving anytime soon,” I smirked, pointing to the glass doors where the half of the crowd of young girls were chanting “One Direction”, and the other half was singing their lyrics messily.

The boys all smiled and took a seat where they could find one, taking out their phones. I rolled my eyes with a smile; people were so dependent on their phones.

I grabbed a stack of clearance tags from underneath the counter and a pen out of a pink, plastic cup and began writing down discounted prices on the tags. I had done about four tags when someone cleared their throat in front of me. I glanced up at whoever it was and found Niall with a soft smile covering his lips.

“Do you need something?” I asked, glancing back at the rest of the boys whose eyes were all fixated on Niall and me.

Niall didn’t say anything… he seemed a little embarrassed. I gave him an awkward facial expression before turning my attention back to discounting 30 percent from 50 dollars.

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