Chapter 24: Diffrent Point Of Veiws

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Chapter 24: Diffrent Point Of Veiws

I got home and decieded that I would leave the pillow on Cody's bed. 

I waited till Cody left to go some where and snuck into his room. His room was abnormally clean, consdiring most teenage boy's rooms.

I put the on his bed and trunned to go. I heard someone coming. I paniced and hid in the closet. I closed the door just in time. The door opened and Cody came in talking to someone.

"Yeah so- What the heck?" 

"What?" Said another vocie that i didn't renozie. 

"Why is there a pillow with my face on it on my bed? .... ALI!!!!!!!!!!" 

The door opened. "Yes big bro?"

"Why did you put this pillow on my bed?" 

"What- oh. Um I don't know where it came from." 

Ali... -.- 

"Lair." Said the voice that I didn't know.

"Shut up Jake."

"Yup same ol Ali." 'Jake' said. 

"Really Ali why is this here?" 

"I don't know maybe a fan snuck it in or something."

"I doubt it." Jake said. 

"I'm leaving now." Said Ali.

I heard the door close. 

There was a moment of slience. "So what did you want to tell me?" Jake asked. 

I heard Cody sigh, and then what sounded like him sitting on his bean bag. And the Jake sitting on his other bean bag. 

"Well... I like Destiny." Cody said.


This, I already knew about, but I didn't really expect him to tell anyone. 

"Yeah," I listened to him explain the whole story from his point of view. And it was rather schocking...

He told him the story of Ben and how he was jealous and how Zoe figured it out and how he broke my heart and how mad he was. That part made me leak a tear. The whole thing and then he got to the part before he came into my room when I was crying.

"Ali, for some reason didn't want me to go in there and talk to her. I guess because she just got her heart broke and it was probably to much for her." He paused and sighed. "I hoped she would feel the same way as me, which she did, but-"

"I wasn't ready for a realtion ship yet." I whispered before I could stop my slef. 

"Did you hear something?" Jake asked.

"Yes... Ali?" He started coming towards the door. I could tell my the shadows through the crack at the bottom of the door. I saw the door handle twist. I gasped.

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