Chapter 7: The True Actress

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Dani's POV

Tomorrow is the showcase for my dance company, 1M Dance Studios. My group and I have been working our butts off to get ready for this. If we do well, our company is entered into a dance competition. Each group is doing their own dance and everyone has been hard at work.

I threw my hair up into a messy ponytail and put on my workout clothes before rushing out the door. It was only 5AM so the boys were all asleep. Since I'm still staying in Jungkook and Hoseok's room, I had to be extra quiet while I got ready.

When I reached the company, I said hi to Mrs. Park at the lobby as I rushed to studio 2 for practice. I'm supposed to be here all day to prepare so I'm expecting the guys to show up around 11AM and start yelling at me.

We did our stretches and warm ups for an hour before we actually began. The whole group was there along with our manager.

Manager-nim came in and we all bowed to him. He didn't know about my one here did. If they found out, they'd kick me out. I couldn't let that happen, dance is my stress reliever. Without it, I'd go insane.

The music started and we all rushed to our spots as we began dancing. After the first time through, I was breathing hard but refused to stop.

We went through it four times before the manager forced us to take a break so he could talk to me. He called me outside studio 2 while the others took a breather.

"Dani! We heard you're staying with BTS and figured you would need- 😅 manager-nim! Hi.." the twins in my group Seokhyun and Seolhyun came bursting out of the studio.

When they saw our manager, they shoved the bag in their hands behind them and smiled nervously before running back into the studio.

With the twins gone, our manager began. It was all downhill from there.

"Dani, the company got a call from your doctor. Is it true?"

My palms got sweaty as the music for our dance began again. Without hesitation, I rushed back into the studio and took my spot at the front for our second song.

This song was just the twin's and I since they were my best friends in the group and tied for second best dancer in the group.

Our manager didn't come back in after I ditched him in the hall, but as soon as the song finished, BTS came bursting into the room. I looked at the clock at it was 10:53 AM.

"Hey guys. You're early."

They were fuming while the girls in my group swooned over them. The twin's eyed each other and glanced at me evilly.

Oh no. I'm so dead.

One thing you need to know about the twins is how evil they can be. If they say they're going to do something, they do it. No matter what it is, it gets done. (A/N: do any of you guys also have friends like this?)

Yesterday they had called me after volleyball practice and said that they wanted Namjoon and I to get together.

I'm a goner.

They all stared me down despite the girls trying to flirt with them and asking them to dance. Anger and hatred engulfed their glares as they remained frozen. Suga and Hoseok were shaking with rage. Jungkook's knuckles were white as he clenched in anger.

I slowly took steps backwards as they advanced towards me. Jimin somehow launched in front of the rest of the guys and pinned me to the wall as the rest came speeding towards us. Jungkook and Taehyung guided everyone else out of Studio 2.

"What were you thinking?!"
"What made you think this was ok?!"
"How do you feel?"
"Does your manager know?!"
"Why is their studio bigger than ours?!"
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"What is that girl-with-purple-hair's name?!"

I threw my hands up in surrender, "Guys I'm so sorry but I have a showcase tomorrow with my group and I couldn't skip practice. I feel fine but I have to stay."

I was walking out of the studio to get the group and some more waters when I grabbed the doorframe and peeked my head back in, "Jimin her name is Seolhyun."

He raised his hand and pointed at the ceiling, "Got it!"


He followed me out and found Seolhyun before joining her and Seokhyun.

I grabbed three waters and went back to studio 2. The other six guys were laying on the floor doing their own thing, but as soon as I walked into the room they all shot up like rockets.

Ignoring them, I went to the front of the room and went through the song one time in my own. As soon as I finished, I dropped to the floor gasping.

My throat constricted on itself and I tried to breath. My mouth opened but I couldn't get any air in. The guys rushed over to me and I grabbed the first person I saw my the shirt. Jin Oppa grabbed my hand as it balled up in his shirt and I continued opening my mouth.

Jin stood me up while Jungkook started slapping my back like a seal thinking I was choking on something. Namjoon was massaging my neck and Tae was calling an ambulance. Suga was getting water and trying to get me to drink while Hoseok screamed at him that he was going to drown me.

Jin's POV

Dani was shaking in my grasp as everyone rushed to help her. She looked at me and I saw fear in her eyes as her legs slowly lost their strength and buckled under her. Hoseok caught her and her hand slipped from my shirt. Jungkook stared while the rest of us froze.

Her eyes closed slowly and Hoseok looked like he was dying too.

We all put our heads down and waited for the ambulance to come and get her. Suddenly, she lurched forwards and inhaled deeply. Danielle coughed twice and continued shaking.

She looked up at me from under her eyelashes as Hoseok held her, "Gotcha."

We all melted to our knees and we're relieved at the realization that she was just messing with us.

She wiggled away from Hoseok to get water, "I swear. You guys are so over protective of me. I'm fine so you can all relax."

She chugged an entire water bottle as we chuckled nervously.

Dani's POV

That was close....


A/N: Heyyyyy😜✌🏻 What'd u guys think...? Please don't kill me with this ending and just be happy I updated again. The last chapter I updated was received very well so I figured I'd post again.

SHOUTOUT TO Drunk_Jimin she's super cool and funny check out her stories.

In this chapter I mentioned a pair of twins so my question for you guys is: Do u have a twin?

Since I have a twin, this chapter is dedicated to her. Love u Mandy!!!😘😘😘

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