Chapter 13

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Jordana's Point of View:

I don't care what anybody says because if you were in my shoes right now, you would scream and shout too. I'm sorry for maybe overreacting, but at the break of dawn this morning I was not expecting this to happen. I mean how am I supposed to react when he strolls into the kitchen messy-haired and butt-naked.That's right you heard me, as of this moment Genji is naked as a newborn baby, and I'm standing here with my mouth wide open in shock. He hurriedly grabs a small dishtowel off the kitchen counter and covers his lower body as best he can. But ahhh, it's too late my eyes have seen everything, and I mean everything. I scream again and cover my eyes with my hands" What in THE LORD'S NAME are you doing Genji?"

"I-I-I just woke up, I'm getting a drink of water, it' 5 'o clock in the morning I thought you were sleeping."

I grab my heart and force air into my lungs" Jesus!, then why are you naked?"

He mumbles" because it's comfortable I like sleeping in the nude."

"What!!!!, don't you know you're not the only person living in this house, are you crazy?"

He shrugs" No, I'm just thirsty. He moves towards the cabinet and takes a glass.

I hold up my hand," Don't move Genji, I'll get it for you."

He sighs" what do you think's going to happen, I'm going to drop the towel or something. It's not like you've never seen a man naked. You were married before right, um to what's his face Mr. Shawn Davis."

I suck my teeth," Please Genji, don't start it's too early to fight."

"Actually, Jordana I think this is the perfect time. Why is it ever since a week ago at the church you've been avoiding me."

I tap my fingers on my temple" Um, I don't know maybe it's because after I told you that Shawn Davis was my ex-husband you smashed my phone against the wall, then you stomped on it with your boots."

He shuffles on his feet awkwardly" we'll uh, that was because the phone was crappy and old. I wanted you to have something new and advanced. I smashed it like that so the phone couldn't be traced, I have a lot of enemies you know. I just want to protect you, and that phone was no good."

I roll my eyes and set his glass of water down on the counter" whatever you say, Genji."

"Anyway, like I was saying this is a good time to talk."

"Talk about what? do you realize you're standing here with no clothes on."

He looks down" SO WHAT!!!"

I turn away from him, and sip on my own glass of water. How can he think that it's no big deal to be naked in front of me. Especially with a body like that, it should be a crime to look that good. Why does his biceps have to be so lean and big, his chest so perfectly sculpted, his abs Wait let me count them, oh no are you serious there's not six of them but eight. Is this for real I always knew his clothes fit him exquisitely, but I never would've guess he was this built. Oh God, I'm sorry for lusting over him, but then again it's not really a sin right, I mean he is my husband.

"Jordana, Earth to Jordana."

I shiver and rub my arms to get rid of the goose bumps," what, Genji, what is it?"

"Didn't you hear me? I just asked you how long were you married to that bastard."

I put my hands on my hips" for the millionth time I already told you we were only married for two years. I was young and I thought we'd be in love forever. Although things didn't end up that way, we weren't right for each other so we divorced five years ago. He moved on with his life, and I moved on with mine. Now, unfortunately I'm married again, but this time it's not by choice."

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