Chapter 14

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Genji's Point of view:

I would be really honored to tell you the day ceased with a "happily ever after" kind of ending with me killing Shawn and saving Jordana. But that would be a little too predictable, don't you think? I should make the story of vengeance a bit more exciting and fun. The way disposing of toxic waste like Shawn Davis should be. Although, to do that I'll have to rewind things back a bit to about a week ago, so you won't be too confused. Sorry, but later on this flashback will clear things up a bit I promise, you'll see.

One week ago:

"Hello, Hello Genji it's me Renee we need to talk."

"I can't talk right now, I'm pissed off some creep named Shawn Davis, has been calling your sister Jordana. Plus, she says the asshole is her ex-husband."

She gasps "this is perfect Genji, he's contacted her too."

I remove the phone from my ear and look at it, is she drunk or something. How could Shawn contacting Jordana be perfect, and wait a minute why is he calling Renee.

"Hey, um Renee what's going on why is your sister's ex-husband suddenly showing up in the picture?"

She stutters" w-w-we'll um you see I was young and really stupid, I made a huge mistake Genji. Five years ago I became involved with Shawn it only happened once, but one time was enough to change my life forever. Therefore, believe me when I tell you that I've been being punished for it ever since." She takes a deep breath," The affair destroyed the relationship between me and my sister, and it took away the one man who truly loved me."

Renee had an affair with her sister's husband, what a whore. I wish she was a man so I could kick her ass. How the hell could she hurt someone like her sister whose so sweet and angelic. No wonder Jordana doesn't like men, and acts so scared to open up to me. Damn, that Shawn Davis broke her heart. I'll have to make him pay, and Renee will get hers soon too, I don't care if I have to break....

"Genji, you there?"

I roll my eyes" yeah Renee I'm here, what did you mean when you said the affair took away the man who loved you."

She sighs "I meant that it took away Takashi"

"How did it take away my brother. He didn't have anything to do with...."

"Just don't interrupt me Genji, and I'll tell you everything. When I ran away to New York I was devastated and scared. I had no one I was so alone, I never really had a job or anything because Jordana and my grandma took care of me. I was in cosmetology school so I was able to share a room with a friend,but she was no good. She always wanted to party, and me being naïve I followed her like a lost puppy. Long story short I got caught up in the streets, and I quit school. I found a job at a club where my friend said I could make more money in a week than a cosmetologist could make in a year. She was right I was making a lot of money, but my soul was paying the price. Stripping for a living made me withdraw into a shell, until only one thing could draw me out and that was love. I met your brother Takashi and he saved me, and we fell in love. Unfortunately around the same time, Shawn showed up from the south begging me to take him back. He said he had a job where he could take care of me and we could get married, but I ignored him and told him to go to hell. Furthermore, that was the wrong thing for me to do because the more I pushed him away the more he wanted me. Takashi wanted to kill him, but I said no because I pitied him, Shawn was just a two-bit thief stealing purses from old ladies. So I figured he'd be arrested sooner or later, but I was wrong I should've listened to your brother."

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