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corinne westbrook

"violet i swear to god i'll drag you out of the bathroom by your hair if you don't hurry the fuck up." i huffed, laying back on my bed whilst waiting for my roommate to get ready for the party we were about to attend.

"look bitch, i can't just pull a wand out of my ass and poof on a pretty face. it doesn't work like that." she snapped, continuing to do her makeup.

"done!" she smiled at herself in the mirror, grabbing her purse off the bathroom counter and hitting me with it shortly after.

"whatever, i just want to bring home a hot guy. i have to start off my sophomore year in college with a bang." i explained on the way there.

"are you ever going to settle down with a guy?" violet shook her head and laughed.

"never, fuck feelings. i'm never tying myself down." i refused.

"so you've never even thought about it?" she pushed.

"thought about it, yes. wanted it, hell no. i'm still young, stop pestering me!"

soon enough, we reached the house where the party was being held.


i gulped down another shot, examining my surroundings. violet was grinding on some guy and he looked like he was ready to bust right then and there.

definitely a frat boy.

suddenly the aroma of weed filled the room. i haven't had weed in forever. the scent made me eager.

i quit before i went off to college but something in me was pulling me back and it took everything in me to not follow and see where it was coming from.

it wouldn't hurt to hangout with the ones who were smoking it. they're probably chill as hell.

i made my way to the back patio where three people were sitting on lawn chairs and passing around a blunt. by the looks of it, they were already high as the clouds.

i slid open the screen door and sat myself in the empty chair that was in between two of the guys.

"hi boys." i wiggled my eyebrows at the four extremely attractive men who's eyes all diverted towards me.

well, my boobs to be exact.

"you want a hit?" the bleach-blonde guy with the cutest dimples asked, handing the blunt to me.

i shook my head, "no, thank you. i'm almost two years clean." i replied, taking the blunt and passing it to the brunette with the man-bun who was sitting beside me.

he gladly accepted it and put the blunt between his lips.

"now, why the fuck would you do that? you're missing out, sweetheart." dimples scoffed.

"you don't think i know that? i had to give up a lot of things in order to straighten up for college. too bad you guys couldn't do the same." i said, making them all look at me again.

"we aren't in college, baby." man-bun spoke up.

"well, i am. these dumbasses are dropouts." the real blonde with blue eyes mentioned with a chuckle, taking the blunt that man-bun had passed him.

"so what's your name, baby?" dimples asked, sitting back in his chair, not even hiding the fact that he couldn't keep his eyes off of my boobs.

"corinne westbrook, but i prefer cori. how about you guys?"

"nate maloley." man-bun stated. "i go by skate though."

"jack johnson, but the guys call me johnson since there's another jack in our group." blue eyes said weirdly, making me suspicious.

"sam wilkinson, but you can call me daddy." dimples winked, making me laugh and shake my head.

"you're in my seat." a low voice came from behind me, making me jump due to the fact that it came out of nowhere.

i turned to make eye contact with an extremely sexy man, with an extremely not sexy look on his face.

"too bad i'm sitting in it." i shrugged.

"get up or i'll make you." he growled.

"try me." i cockily replied with a smirk plastered on my face.

next thing i know, the man grabbed me by my waist, picking me up and placing me down on the ground. he sat in the chair and chugged the whole red solo cup he had in his hand, not moving his eyes from mine.

"rude." i went on, "it was nice meeting you guys. see you around, johnson." i waved and made my way back inside.

"where have you been? i've been looking everywhere for you." violet asked.

"with them." i simply stated, pointing at the group of guys who were still passing the weed around.

"holy fuck, you lucky bitch. what'd you say to them? what'd they say to you? did you get numbers?" she pestered me with questions as i made my way into the kitchen to fix myself another drink.

"we just talked. they're okay guys but one of them is a dick. and no, i didn't get numbers." i stated before making my way to where everyone was dancing on one another.


i'm not sure how long i've been at this party but i don't really care. i'm only a little bit tipsy and i have my extremely high tolerance for alcohol to thank for that.

i just want to find violet and go home.

as if on cue, my phone buzzes from a text violet just sent me.

hey cori, i'm about to sleep with a super hot guy and i promise he doesn't have any stds. i'll text you tomorrow with an address to pick me up at. i put my keys in your purse. x

thanks for texting me this time. hopefully he doesn't kill you! i'll see you tomorrow ;) have fun fucking. x

i laughed, putting my phone into the back pocket of my black skinny jeans, grabbing my purse and heading out the door.

so much for starting sophomore year off with a bang. at least my best friend's getting some tonight.


first chapter and i couldn't be more hyped. i'm still terrible at writing but at least i've improved since my first book. (hopefully)

i hope you all enjoy this one, i'm working really hard on it. updates will be every wednesday and sunday.

i won't always be able to update twice a week but i'll make sure to let you know ahead of time when that happens.

thank you again for being so patient with me. :)

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