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*Trigger Warning contains content about eating disorder*

To you 80 calories is nothing ,but to her it could be her whole day

To you a diet means smaller portions and more veggies ,but to her it means almost nothing

To her she's never skinny enough or pretty enough

Damn it why can't she be perfect? She wants to know

Why can't she fine? She asks herself all the time

Oh how she tries to become what she needs ,but oh how she fails to perfect and succeed

To us she is a master piece ,but to her she is a monster

To her her thighs are to large and waist never small enough

Oh but to us thighs and waist are just right

Oh how we brush off young people hurting with these twisted beauty standards

Women and men striving to be something they can't passably achieve

But oh how she trys to stay on her "diet"

And she quickly fades away

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