Chapter two, in which the duo becomes secret agents

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I felt bad for not telling Wolf what had happened, but it was hard enough to write with paws from before. There was no point in making it harder. Huffing lightly, I sped up as much as I dared.

Where was he? He was never late for school. Fair enough, he didn't like school, but he was never late. Wait, was that-? Ah, yes. His scent. Perking up slightly, I began jogging instead of walking fast. I winced. Damn it all, why the fuck must Chris be such a-

I yelped and stumbled backwards a few steps when I crashed into Wolf's legs. "What the-?" He looked down and froze. I didn't move. He hadn't seen me like this before. Did he even recognize me? "S-Seiko?" he stuttered, eyes going even wider. Apparently. I nodded. "What the fuck happened to you!?" Shooting him a dirty look, I sat down and prepared to stand up. If I stayed too long like this, it might become permanent. "You can't- you can't talk?" My silence was answer enough, and Wolf groaned. "What kind of bullshit is this? Partly transformation? How the fuck did that happen? What do I do to help you? Will it last?"

I looked up and into his eyes. At this point of transforming, I had the human size but some of the fox features, so it wasn't hard to meet his gaze. I snarled at him, trying to look angry. He reeled back in shock. Rolling my eyes, I growled. How the fuck was I supposed to tell him this without speaking?

"Oh crap," Wolf whispered, frowning in worry and stepping closer again. "When you're angry you turn into a fox!" I nodded sharply. "But then- how are you this angry? Are you angry now? Does it last long? What happened?"

While he was talking, I took a deep breath and stood up. Tried to stand up, that is. God, I must've looked like a monster! Fox ears, foxtail, muzzle, whiskers and paws, human-sized and furless- well, mostly furless, anyways. There was some short red hairs spread over my face, arms and legs, but that was it. Wolf gaped at me when I fell to the ground in a heap. Clenching my teeth, I slowly tried to stand up again. This time Wolf was prepared, and held out his arm for me to take. I whimpered. Fuck, but it hurt.

"What happened?" Wolf repeated. "Fuck Seiko, I was so scared when you just disappeared like that!" Ignoring the sharp pain, I straightened my back and screwed my eyes shut. Alright, so it had to go the hard way? Fine. Fine.

I tried to talk, but my curse sounded more like a muddy growl. "Fuhgck!"

"Was it Chris? Oh, that little dickhead, I'll fucking murder him-!" Wolf growled. It felt like syrup melted away from my throat, and with a sickening crack, my front paws slowly began to change into human hands.

"Fuck, that hurts," I moaned. My throat felt raw, as if I'd been screaming for hours. "Continue," I rasped.

Wolf didn't ask why. "Was it Chris?" he snarled instead.

"Yes," I grunted, and felt my body relax a little when I flexed my fingers.

Crack, and my legs began to change. "That little fucktard, I'll rip his fucking balls of, I-,"

Despite the pain, I interrupted him. "He doesn't- doesn't have an-any."

He gave me a shocked look before bursting into startled laughter. "I bet!" My snout began to shrink, and suddenly the world seemed so much duller.

The fox ears and whiskers, however, stayed. I was too mad for those to go away just yet. Wolf seemed to calm himself down. "What did he do?" he whispered. It was barely audible for a normal human, but for me it couldn't have been clearer.

No words were needed to explain. Not when I had proof. Without breaking eye contact, I silently pulled my shirt down to reveal my collarbone. A bruise was forming there, and upon seeing it, the air around us went cold.

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