Chapter three, in which Chris is a dick

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"Alright," Wolf said, leaning forward in his seat. "Has anyone contacted you?"

I nodded as he opened his computer, typed his password and passed it over to me. "Four people," I said, logging into my user.

"Great," he said, and took a sip of his milkshake. "Potential in any of them?"

"No, absolutely not." Seeing the question and defeat in his eyes, I shook my head and turned the computer around. "Look at this. One of them's a guy that wants nudes, I'm pretty sure this one's fifty, she just wants to be friends and they are just interested in my tail."

Wolf skimmed through the chats, and I noted with a sigh how his ears drooped more and more the longer he read. "Pervert, pedophile, friend zone and fake furry. Marvelous," he groaned.

I snorted. "Beggars can't be choosers?" I shrugged, chugging down the rest of my coke.

Giving me an almost frightened look, Wolf shook his head. "We're not there yet," he growled. "Think it's time for you to contact people. If that doesn't help, we'll find a new site."

I agreed, and waved a waiter over to buy a new coke. "Did you hear the news?" I asked when I had a new cold soda.

Wolf nodded, but when I didn't drop the matter, he became intrigued. "People disappear all the time." He raised an eyebrow at me. Understandable, I rarely cared about people I'd never met.

"Yeah," I agreed. "But this dude's an ass."

"Lots of people are asses," Wolf countered.

"Racist, sexist, specist, pedophile." I raised a finger for every word, and Wolf gave an almost invisible wince. "Been harassing people around the school for months. The police never does anything about it. Understandable, we're hybrids." The last part was said with sarcasm practically dripping with each word. It tasted sour on my tongue, and I took a sip from my coke to wash it away.

That made Wolf shut up, and he looked down into his milkshake with a frown. "Why do you think he disappeared?" he asked after a long pause.

"I don't really care," I said. "Suicide? I mean, who would want to kidnap him? Dirty old bastard."

"God, I hate those people." I could only shrug, and emptied my glass once more. "How did you pull this off with your boyfuck?"

I grinned at Wolf's word choice. "Did my chores while he was sleeping. He's working until six, and with my chores done I just have my homework left."

"You haven't done it yet?"

"Nope," I said, popping the P sound. "But I just have that math shit left."

Without a word, Wolf started to ruffle through his backpack. "Need some help?" he asked when he resurfaced and slammed a thick tome of a book onto the table.

Grinning, I pulled a notebook up from my backpack. "I'm not going to judge about you having your math book in your backpack," I told him, opening the notebook on a blank page.

"Good. Now, let's see how far you've come..."


Seiko 17.47

im home

Wolfie 17.47

boyfuck home?

Seiko 17.48

no im fine

Wolfie 17.50

txt me if u need somthng

Seiko 17.52


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