Chapter 8

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Josie POV

'why hasn't he called me... Does he hate me now?'

I pas back and forth in my mind when I hear my phone ring and I answer it


"Hey Josie sorry I haven't called it took longer for her tow truck to get there" I hear Jason answer back to me

"Oh its okay, so your not busy now?" I ask him hopefully

"Nope im good to go if you still want to go do something" he replies

"YES!!Come get me and we can go to the park or something" I respond joyfully

"Ok be over in a few minutes" he hangs up as I throw on a white Sleeping With Sirens tee shirt and ripped white skinny jeans

I hear Jason pull up a few minutes later as I run out and jump in the passenger seat

"Hi!" I say as I buckle my seat belt

"Good afternoon beautiful" He smiles and backs out of the drive way headed towards the park on the other side of town where less people hang out at

"So we are going to the east side park I assume" I question him as we get half way through town and see a car get stolen

"Yes.. We are" We pull away from the stolen car and towards the park

After arriving and seeing nobody there we both get out and see a fountain in the center with trees surrounding the park and a small hill with a flat level on top

"After you dear" He says letting me go first up the hill

When I get to the top I wait for Jason because I'm wearing all white and don't want it to get dirty

"Jason, I can't sit down I'm too white " I whine to him as he sits on the ground crossing his legs and making a place for me to sit

"Right here" Jason pats his lap for me to sit "come sit on daddies lap" he laughs and causes me to laugh too

"Thank you" I say smiling and sitting down on him facing him

As we watch the few other people around in silence I look back at Jason and ask him

"What happened between you and Sidney?"

He looks off for a few seconds before looking into my eyes

"We used to be a thing..." He trails off

"Oh.. So you were close?"

"We were more than close, we did everything together. And I mean EVERYTHING, no secrets, no arguments, no fights, no drama.. We were perfect" I see him smile a little but quickly force it off his face

"Oh...I didn't know.." I trail off and sit silently looking at the ground before Jason lays down causing me to fall down on top of him face first into his chest as he holds me close to him

"But that's over, and now all I want is you" He smiles while looking into my eyes, I blush brightly and lay my head on his chest

"Your all I want too" I smile and stay still on top of his chest for several minutes

"Hey.." He whispers into my ear as I push up off of him and look into his eyes

"Yeah?" I whisper back

He pulls me closer to him as he slowly presses his lips against mine while I'm still on top of him

After several minutes of kissing I feel something hard pressing against my leg

As I realize what it is I start to gasp and laugh a little noticing Jason was getting excited

He pulls away

"Sorry" he turns bright red as I lean back in and kiss him

"It's okay, at least I know you want me" I smile and kiss him more as I feel him reaching around my back and slowly sliding down my back and stopping above my waist an not continuing

"What's wrong?" I ask pulling away from his kiss

"I don't want to do this" he says confusing me

"Why?" I ask looking at him confused

"It's not Right for us to do this. Not right now" He says looking at my eyes and kissing my cheek

"Okay" I smile back and sit up in his lap again as we kiss more for close to 10 more minutes before we decide to stop and go for a walk before it gets dark

As we walk past a homeless man he walks up to us begging for money and I hand him a 10$ bill and Jason hands him a 20$ bill with him thanking us as we walk off and down towards a MCDONALD'S where we order food

I ordered

-French Fries

-Southern Style Chicken sandwich with American cheese(Jason had to correct me, 'Merican cheese)

-A medium Coke

Jason ordered

-Large fry

-Double Cheese burger with extra cheese and sauce

-A large Coke

As we sit down at the table we see a black car pull up outside as it turned dark

From the corner of my eye I see James walk in and order food with Maria wrapped around his waist hugging him

After there food is ready they turn and sit at the table behind us

I see James and Maria behind Jason who is sitting in front of me. James looks at me and gives me a hushed finger to his lips as he sits a French fry on Jason's head and starts making a tower before Jason realizes and brushes them off with us all laughing about it

"Nice work James" I laugh with him as we see Jason trying to get all the salt grains out of his hair with help from Maria

"You ass hole" Jason laughs

"Thank you, I take pride in it" James smiles and takes a drink of his coke

After joking around for a few minutes we all walked outside in the dark together, James and Maria holding hands and me and Jason holding hands waving them good night as we walk back to Jason's car

"So... Your cool with them?" I ask disgusted finally acting how I really felt

"Well I mean why wouldn't I be?"

I punch his shoulder and hug him

"Because they made the past year a living hell for me. That's why!" I shout as we walk next to his car and get in

"Sorry..." He whispers and closes his door and starts the car

"Yeah.. So if you wanna get all buddy buddy with them just think twice..." I trail off realizing I sounded like a class A bitch "sorry.."

"It's okay, I get where your coming from though.." He says pulling out of the lot and headed home

We get stopped at a red light and two guys walk over to my side of the car and look in the window trying to open the door as I screamed and locked the door..and Jason quickly drove away leaving the two guys standing there dumb found as they walked back into the shadows

"That was freaky" I say becoming small in my seat as Jason drives straight to my house and walks me inside and comes in with me as we sit in the living room and watch a movie for a while until about 11 o'clock

"It's 11, I have to go, we have school tomorrow" he says standing up as I do kissing him good bye

"Ok, il see you tomorrow" I say hugging him as he leaves and pulls out of my drive way headed home

I stay in the living room thinking about what Jason said about him and Sidney doing Everything together... Really everything..



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