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The Pit was hot and crowded. Not a place Suga liked to be in. Especially now that he had to watch another "rapper" fall over his words. The boy looked young and was clearly very nervous; his hands shook uncontrollably and beads of sweat trickled down his forehead unrelentlessly.

And he didn't even realise who was watching!

Suga, J-Hope and Rapmonster had returned to scour the Pits for aspiring rappers for a little project they were working on.

It was J-Hope's idea.

There was a competition coming up for aspiring rappers, one where already established rappers had the opportunity to train them up before the competition and prepare wanna-bes of their choice for the challenge. The wanna-bes are to perform their mentor's song and so the mentors also get recognition. 

The other prize is a large sum of money.

So, J-Hope had dragged Suga and Rapmon down to the Pit to find contenders. They had kept their arrival pretty quiet so the performances were kept raw and real. They had split up in search of a performer each so Suga just wandered around aimlessly for a while. He was not at all impressed with any of the rappers. Either they were too slow, too nervous or too flat. None of them caught his eye.

Until one song in particular made his spirit perk up a little.

Someone, somewhere, was performing Agust-D.

So Suga went on a little hunt.

He found him almost immediately, the aspiring rapper. He was gathering up quite a crowd in one corner of the Pit. He also got a few shouts and cheers from members of the audience.

He was good. Very good.

But there was something off about the way he spoke.

And he kept his hood low, shadowing his face.

But he was the one. 

The young rapper finished and the small crowd cheered wildly. But the rapper just sauntered off back up outside.

Perfect. This would make it easier for Suga to reach him.

Suga jumped up the stairs after him and the cool night air caressed his hot face gently. Suga chased after the rapper and lightly tapped him on the shoulder making him jump out of his skin.

The rapper turned and waited - maybe for Suga to say something.

Suga coughed awkwardly, "Hey. I'm Agust-D and I just heard you perform one of my songs."

The rapper only grunted.

"Right. There's this competition that my friend wants to enter and I want you to compete with me. As a rapper. I'll train you up a bit so you're perfect but then you'll be set."

The rapper looked down and sighed. Then he pulled off his hood to reveal...

Someone who wasn't Asian.

And someone who was actually a girl.

Suga stared at this girl. She was pretty. Very pretty. But also very unexpected.

"Sure Suga. Where and when will we be meeting first?" she said in perfect Korean. That was also unexpected since she looked foreign.

"Ummmm..." Suga was still trying to gather himself up.

1) She was actually a girl. A pretty girl.

2) She did not look Korean. But she still spoke fluent Korean.

3) She had called him Suga. Even though he had introduced himself as Agust-D.

The girl rolled her eyes, looking strangely disappointed at his sudden silence,and turned to walk away. But Suga stopped her, grabbing her arm.

She turned back to him still looking vaguely frustrated.

"There is a music studio not far from here. Meet me there, tomorrow, 9am sharp."

She smiled faintly then turned and sauntered away again.

Then, Suga realised.

"Hey," he called over to her, "What's your name?"

"Y/N," she called over her shoulder. And continued to walk away.

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