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Once every hundred years, God and Satan get together (Because they're bros ofc) and God chooses one demon that he finds better than the others to send to the human world and give a chance to become an angel by showing that they are truly good at heart. It was the day God chose this century's demon, he'd done all his research, he'd secretly checked each demon individually a few times at least, he'd even listened to the local gossip, but he wasn't ready. God had no idea who to choose, it seemed as though none of the demons were good enough in his eyes. He had even tried talking to some of them but before he knew it, they were throwing strange cusses at him with the grammar sense of a child. God had to choose nonetheless, if he didn't, he knew that some kind of ancient spell would shatter, and instead of one demon coming out all hell would break loose, so he continued his search, but God's constant inner monologue of "just give up" was overwhelming, so he decided to get some well deserved help.
"Hey Lucy long time no see! How have you been?" God shouted as he welcomed himself into Satan's home, it was an odd building being the size of a normal house but looking like a medieval castle. The stones were a wore dark red, although with moss in between each brick, the castle began to look more and more like a greenhouse.

"My name is Lucifer not Lucy, and I'm fine, these chains binding me to the depths of Hell are really starting to get me in shape." The amount of pure, concentrated sarcasm in his voice made God stifle an impressive laugh.

"Well if you aren't the best comedian then I don't know who is!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. What do you even want?" God sat down awkwardly at the question, and rested his chin in his hand.

"I need some demon recommendations, none of them really radiate that 'I'm a good guy at heart' feeling." Satan rolled his eyes in annoyance, exhaling heavily.

"Maybe that's because they're demons cloud-for-brains." But God didn't buy it, not at all, he's that 'super serious about his duties' kind and he wasn't about to throw in the towel.

"Fine, if they're all bad then I'll just pick a random one and if I don't like my decision afterwards, I can just kill him... or something..." God's plan soon became a doubtful mumble as he thought about what he was saying.

"Just give up already, I'm not in the mood for this so go away." God clicked his tongue at his ungrateful "buddy" before standing up, and taking his leave.

"I'll follow a group and pick the one who seems the best." God thought aloud, searching for any groups passing by, but to his surprise, there were none. He walked around Hell quietly, but no one was to be seen, and that's when it clicked. They're probably waiting at the gate to see who gets let in!

As God dashed to the gate he noticed that a considerably fair amount of demons were scattered about. They all must be over here! God immediately jumped up and floated, looking down on all the demons chatting together, each group was comprised of around ten demons and hearty laughter, but God was getting bored noticing that they were all the same. It wasn't until he saw that there was one group a bit aloof of all the commotion, that he was intrigued, but what really caught his eye in that group was one particular demon. Virtually all demons are indisputably hideous, the exact opposite of the angels in heaven, but this demon was relatively attractive. God continued to watch him interact with other demons, he was a bit snarky and prideful, God wouldn't deny that, but he had never seen this demon before. He must be new. The demon smiled an awful lot compared to the others, his attitude was phenomenal, he wasn't aggressive or hateful, instead he was almost giddy. I think I just found my demon! God clenched his fist and threw it out in the air, his golden curls going wild at the sudden movement.
God snatched a reasonable chunk of cloud from the air and molded it into a fluffy arm chair before sitting down, an exhausted sigh of relief escaping his lips.

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