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Iwaizumi and I talked for around an hour about anything that came to mind, apparently he can recite the whole Godzilla movie by memory which is impressive. As we laughed about the night prior, my worries of awkward silence faded away. It felt like I was talking to an old friend. Another hour passed by in what seemed like seconds, we had turned on the TV and were now watching some oldie on MTV, making jokes about anything and everything that we could. I would've never thought I'd become friends with anyone, Earth seemed overrated, and humans as well. As we were arguing over whether he or I made better jokes, the conversation took a sharp turn.

"So why were you sleeping in that dumpster?" Iwaizumi leaned towards me, enveloped in curiosity.

"It looked very cozy." He laughed and looked up at the clock above my head.

"I guess you win that dispute, for now. Either way, I don't have anything important to do today, so do you wanna grab a coffee?" I nodded and stood up with him almost in unison.

"Only if you're paying." I teased. I'd never actually had coffee, but it sounded pretty common, so I thought I'd give it a try.

"One step ahead of you Oikawa." He replied, giving me a warm, half-smile while pulling his wallet from his back pocket. Abruptly, Iwaizumi shoved a hand into his couch cushions and pulled out a keychain, spinning it around on his pointer finger with ease.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I snapped my fingers in response and made my way to the mahogany door.

"Why exactly do you keep your keys in your couch?" I questioned, turning the door knob slightly.

"No comment. Also I need to get dressed first, I just now realized I'm in my home attire." I turned around to analyze his outfit, but by the time I stopped, he was already racing up the stairs to his room.

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled, sprinting up the stairs after him and into his room. It was a pretty spacey area with three windows, and an impressively soft, shag carpet.

"Which do you think is better?" He asked, appearing out of the blue holding two different outfits. He was a master in the art of simplistic style, his first outfit was comprised of a white tee and tan skinny jeans, and the other, a gray-blue short-sleeved button up shirt and black skinny jeans.

"The second." I replied, giving him a thumbs up.

"You're wearing the first one then." He informed, throwing it to me.


"You're in a hoodie, it's the middle of the summer, at least put on the shirt." I nodded and slipped off the hoodie before muttering "Hell is like, a thousand degrees hotter than this." under my breath. Iwaizumi looked over, happening to see me before I threw on the tee.

"I wasn't expecting you to be that thin, the shirt may be a bit big on you." The soft cotton fabric had gotten to keep through, and I contemplated never returning the shirt.

"It's fine." He snickered before putting on his outfit. I thought about turning away but he had nice muscles and I was a bit drawn in.

"Checking out this fine material?" He boasted, flexing am arm slightly.

"I literally met you three hours ago, I'm not that creepy." I was only lying a little bit, those were some real pieces of work. "Your biceps are a godsend though." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and finished dressing.

"Shall we go?"
We'd been driving for a good ten minutes, apparently this coffee shop was forever away because I couldn't see any buildings nearby. I sighed and sat back in my seat, pulling the lever on the side to make it lower to a point where I could relax my neck and back. Sleeping in a dumpster does a real number on you.

"You know, you don't look homeless." I turned to look at Iwaizumi, confused by his comment.

"What?" I snickered, raising an eyebrow fractionally.

"Well, you were sleeping in a dumpster behind a bar, and you don't seem to have anywhere be..." His voice trailed off, although I don't think he was aware of if since his eyes never faltered in staring straight ahead. I didn't say anything for a minute, instead I rummaged through the jockey box in front of me, searching through the abundant sea of CD's and emergency toiletries.

"Iwa-chan, you have like, ten rolls of toilet paper in here!" I exclaimed, snapping it shut.

"Iwa-chan?" He asked, ripping his gaze away from the road for a second.

"Iwa-chan." I confirmed. He shook his head at the new nickname and turned away, mumbling the word Iwa-chan under his breath. After fumbling with the jockey box clip I finally forced it to fling back open, only a few napkins falling out onto the surprisingly clean floor mat. I opened the car window slightly and sneakily threw the napkins out into the air, Iwaizumi seemingly oblivious. Mission accomplished. Looking back into the box, I pulled out a couple random CD's.

"Hey Iwa-chan, ACDC Back in Black or... The Original Godzilla Soundtrack? What the hell?" Quickly brushing off the last part, Iwaizumi grabbed onto one of the discs.

"Whatever this one is." Fortunately he pulled on the ACDC album. I turned the CD case around to look through the list of songs, I'd never heard any music except the kind played at bars at night, so none of the names looked familiar. I opened the case and examined the disc before shoving it into the CD player. The music was noticeably quiet and I was tempted to turn it up but I wasn't sure if that might be some kind of taboo.

"Go ahead." Iwaizumi grunted.


"Go ahead and turn it up, you look eager." Even after hearing his words I wavered. He did say it's okay, right? Hesitantly, I leaned forward and twisted the knob, turning up the volume by 4 or 5 clicks. I sat back in my seat once again and hummed to the tune, twiddling my thumbs awkwardly.

"Don't be so wimpy!" Hajime scoffed, the rapid movement of his free hand turning up the knob as high as possible catching me off guard. Before I knew it, the car was filled to the brim with 80's rock, I'd be genuinely surprised if the truck behind us couldn't hear it.

"Iwa-chan!" I blurted out. "You're going to get us pulled over!" He snickered, looking me straight in the eyes.

"We won't get pulled over for loud music!" As Iwaizumi laughed, I happened to notice a flash of light in the windshield and, out of curiosity, I took a look at the road, but all I could see was the blinding beams of two headlights. It took a moment to register, still I caught on quickly, but once I did, my body froze, the car was so close, my mouth wouldn't make words. I need to tell him! Iwaizumi look at the road! The car is going to hit us! You're going to get hit Hajime! I wanted to scream, but all I could stammer were the three words, "Iwaizumi the road!". His eyes widened as the world went into slow motion, I could only watch as he turned to see the shattering windshield before we were both jolted forward, slamming our heads against airbags. Thoughts raced through my head like cars at a Grand Prix. He's going to die! We're going 60 miles an hour! We won't make it! If only I hadn't put in the CD! It's all my fault! Suddenly, my mind was filled with white noise, the spinning colors of the Earth turned pitch black, and everything stopped.

Hey hey it's Mom! Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for a cliff hanger, be prepared for anything! Votes and comments are always appreciated!!! Ily guys <3

To Hell and Back       || An Iwaoi AU ||Where stories live. Discover now