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The sky was really clear that day, coffee sounded good, so we decided to go to Iwaizumi's favorite cafe to get some, and there were no other cars on the road that we could see, or so we thought. I could remember most everything that happened, music blasting, laughter, and then I couldn't scream. I could remember the McDonald's napkins I threw out the window, was it karma? I remember immediately loving the song Back in Black. I could remember everything we talked about, Iwaizumi and I. I bet I could remember the types of birds I saw out the window, the way the wind was blowing, the way Iwaizumi's eyes widened before the windshield shattered into a thousand miniscule fractals. I could remember it all, but I wanted to forget, I didn't want to breathe, knowing that it was me who did this to him.

"I'm really sorry Iwa-chan. If you wake up, please forgive me." I got up off my knees next to Iwaizumi's hospital bed and analyzed each piece of equipment he was hooked up to. The IV in his arm made my heart pang, sadness was not a feeling I had been accustomed to.

"Oikawa-san, we need you to get back in your bed please. We're astonished that you're okay, but you still are probably shaken up and we need you to sleep here for the night." I turned around hesitantly to look at the nurse.

"You never told me his condition."

The nurse looked at the floor, then back at me. She forced a light smile and motioned for me to follow her. I declined.

"Sir, you need to come with me, if you don't, I'll have to use force." I rolled my eyes, choking back small tears.

"It's bad isn't it."

"What?" She replied, tilting her head a bit to the side.

"His condition. His face is wrapped, the shards from the windshield maybe... And his chest is burnt badly from hitting the road. His seatbelt was on but, it wasn't enough was it?" The more I came to a realization of what pain I was putting him through the more the began tears to fall, sliding down my chin, and then creating a puddle on the white-tiled floor.

"The seatbelt was broken, the authorities had said. It broke and he was ejected from the car." The nurse put a sympathetic hand on my shoulder, but I brushed it off and took another step towards Iwaizumi, bending over and pulling the sheets on his bed up over his chest.

"It'd be bad to add a cold to the list of injuries he's sporting right now." I held onto the corner of his blanket and rubbed the soft material between my thumb and forefinger. I should be the one in that bed, not him.

"Let's go Oikawa-san."

Dropping the thin fabric, I turned around and walked towards the nurse.

"If..." I paused," If he wakes up, please tell me."
That was the longest walk back to that room I had ever had, my footsteps echoed in the wide, dimly lit hallway. Wake up stupid. Wake up. Wake up! God please!


I jumped about two feet in the air before whipping around to see who had just said something but no one was there. Huh? I sighed and turned back around to see a tall man with curly, golden locks.

"Boo!" He shouted, scaring me once again.

"God?" I yelped, almost tripping backwards.

"In the flesh. You called, what did you need?"

"I never called? What are you talking about?" I shook my head in irritation and kept on walking to my room. "I don't have any time for you, I'm waiting for my friend to get better." God gave me a hurt expression before sprinting up in front of me and grabbing ahold of my shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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