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I awoke to the faint smell of cigarettes and the sound of pigeons cooing. I could feel it in my gut that I wasn't in Hell anymore.

"Awe damn..." Groaning, I threw my head back in frustration. "Couldn't he have picked someone who was actually interested in going!" The nearby, shrill cry of a stray cat echoed throughout the alleyway I was in, drawing my attention to the opening. Hesitantly, I stood up and brushed off my pants, noticing my entire outfit had changed. Instead of an all black jumpsuit, I was sporting a light grey hoodie that was clearly too big for me, tan jeans, and a maroon beanie and tennis shoes. The outfit was different but it was comfortable so you wouldn't catch me complaining. Looking up I also noticed how dark it seemed to be getting, the sun was barely visible on the distant horizon and the moon was ascending. How do I even know what I'm talking about? Thinking silently I assumed that God had given me a temporary understanding of basic elements on Earth such as the differences between men and women I saw on the streets, or the streets for that matter. Hell wasn't too unlike this place in my opinion though, people talked with others, groups made their way to God knows where, the surroundings were a bit surreal but nothing too awfully weird. All of a sudden I could hear a loud rumbling, looking around, I noticed the sound had come from my body. Once again, the sound of emptiness gnawing at my stomach penetrated the brisk air, only one thought came to mind. Hungry. Immediately recognizing it as the need to eat, I called out to a random couple walking past me.

"Do you have anything food?" After receiving a frightening glare, I shook my head and waved them off. "Yeah never mind, don't worry, I'll see you guys in Hell." The man swiftly turned around and began to pursuit me.

"Filthy teenager!" He shouted. I snickered at his terrible insult and stopped running, allowing him to catch up to me. "Do you want to die?" I laughed at him under my breath, his anger issues were humoring to me. I must be in one of those really scary cities. The force of his fist slicing it's way through the air and into my face caught me off guard, but it wouldn't hurt me either way. I snorted loudly and tried to regain my balance.

"You have so much audacity for a weak old guy! It's hilarious!" Before he could throw another punch (or terrible insult), I swung my fist at him, slugging him effectively in the jaw. "Like I said, I'll see you in Hell." And with that, I headbutted him and knocked him out. Some people.

"Is he dead?" Swiftly, I turned to see the girl he was with.

"Sadly no, he's passed out though, and put him in anger management classes for me will ya'?" Instead of getting angry though, she grinned through a waterfall of fake looking tears and ran up to me.

"I didn't know him! He just grabbed my arm and forced me to go with him quietly or he'd hurt me!" An act of kindness? On accident? I shook my head and kept walking.

"Call the police so he gets taken in, and hurry home."
It took a while to get rid of the girl, and I didn't believe her story, I was ninety-nine percent sure she was a compulsive liar. Her story changed about ten times and she was all over me too. Eventually I told her she was annoying and I wanted her to lay off, she teared up and ran away so as far as I'm concerned, I handled it well. I had been walking around quietly for quite a while though. Apparently people weren't out very often late at night, and I had to admit I was close to nodding off myself. How am I supposed to prove myself at this rate? As another hour passed, I finally decided to find a place to sleep, which happened to be a dumpster behind a bar. It was eerily quiet so I fell asleep without much hassle.
I'd been sleeping for roughly three hours before I was rudely awakened by the crashing of someone's empty beer can against my forehead.

"Hey someone's sleeping here!" I shouted, bursting from the container, the man who I assumed had thrown the can turned around in surprise.

"You're sleeping in a dumpster where I'm supposed to throw my trash you idiot! You'd better get used to it!" He had a point so I jumped out and walked towards him to get a better look, but he had assumed I was trying to mug him and made off to the left. I ran in pursuit of him and got about four blocks before I lost him.

"Damn... He is.. One fast cookie!" I huffed in exhaustion. "But that's alright." As I began to walk back to the dumpster I noticed something shining under the pale moonlight. Swiftly I picked it up, recognizing it to be a phone that had been dropped quite recently. I bet it's his. To my surprise there was no passcode so that helped tremendously. Now if only it could help me find him... I searched through the phone vigorously before finally deciding on opening the notepad, which I immediately wished I had done sooner seeing as it held a great deal of personal information, including his address.

"Score!" I celebrated loudly, almost throwing the phone.
The walk to the man's house was no laughing matter. It was a long five mile walk and I had to ask random people for directions (Half of them were so wasted it wasn't even funny.) . But after walking for a good three hours (Making it six in the morning) a ray of hope shined from above as I found Warren Avenue, the street he lived on, the problem at that point was finding the three hundred block. It took me an extra half hour to finally reach his house, it was fairly large, and a dark maroon color. Another half hour passed as I hesitated to walk to the door and knock. What would I say? What if it got awkward? How do I even introduce myself, "Hi I'm the freak who was sleeping in the dumpster last night." ? My internal argument finally came to an end when I felt the heat of the sunrise against my back.

"I. Can. Do it!" Reassuring myself, I leaped to the door and knocked three times at a rapid pace.

"Coming!" I heard someone groan from inside the house. It's him! It's him! It's him! It's him! And then with the click of the deadbolt unlocking, the door swung open, revealing a tan, sleep deprived male. He had a pretty face, yes, but the moment I saw his muscular arms I thought I might melt right where I was standing.

"Woah mama." I said unconsciously, before slapping a hand over my motormouth. He rolled his eyes and stifled a yawn.

"What do you want, and I won't buy any of your products unless one happens to be a phone tracking device." I snickered and pulled the rectangular object from my pocket.

"Actually that's why I'm here." Sticking out his phone, I watched him take a small step back.

"What the fuck." His whisper was just barely loud enough for me to make out, as I kept on pushing the phone towards him.

"It has your address in it so I thought I'd bring it back and apologize for making you flee for you life last night." His eyes widened exceptionally at that last part.

"Wait, you're the guy in the dumpster?" I could feel my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"Yeah... That guy." Unexpectedly, he motioned me to come inside. I hesitated momentarily before deciding it couldn't hurt, so I went and sat down on his puffy couch as he shut the door behind me.

"I'm Iwaizumi Hajime, and you?"

"Oikawa, Oikawa Tooru."

HEY HEY HEY It's Mom-Chan and honestly I'm GENUINELY surprised people are even looking at this story! Votes and comments are ALWAYS APPRECIATED and I'm so so so happy you're taking the time to read this! My contact information is in the first chapter and my bio if you need to message me! Hopefully you're enjoying the story so far! I'll be uploading this to AO3 later, and there is a possibility I might switch over and work there instead of on Wattpad after I finish all the stories I've been playing with including this one (but that won't be for a long long while)!

Have a great day <3

To Hell and Back       || An Iwaoi AU ||Where stories live. Discover now