mommy dearest pt. 1

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three months earlier

"dad, did mommy really die and go to heaven?" i thought starting off with the old story he told callum and i when we were younger would lighten the mood.

"uh, no. they say she went towards the east," answered dad, looking at me directly in the eye after correcting the lie he had told for so many years.

"what was she like?"

"i don't know."

"how? you were in love with her, weren't you?" dad was acting strange, like mentioning the obviously alive mother of his children was causing him pain.

"in every meaning of the phrase."

"what was she like? was she bad?" i questioned, my voice raising unintentionally.

"i don't know. she, uh, didn't show anyone her true self."

"am i like her? do i look like her? act like her? talk the way she did?" i persisted. dad nodded, his surfer like face showing a true sign of sadness.

"every time i look at you, colin, i'm reminded of what i lost that day," said dad. he put his head in his palms, supported by the table and i left the room.


anna katherine's house was an ancient two-story home, complete with a small garden parallel to the porch visible from my far away vantage point. we walked down the long, dirt path that made her home isolated from the rest of monterey. her anxiety seemed to be reaching its peak as we got closer to her house, based on the way she had crossed her arms and disregarded her heavy breathing.

"god, i would've never taken you for someone who gets winded easily," i joked, getting her to turn to me and roll her eyes.

"no, it's just that i'm scared that my boss will be home," said anna katherine. as i looked over her, i knew the two of us came from two completely different worlds. she was wearing a yellow cardigan over a casual black dress complete with combat boots, greatly contrasting my "bound for the ivy league" attire.

"you live with your boss?"

"well, she's my stepmother too, but she's also my boss," explained anna katherine. i nodded and continued to let her lead me to her house.

"if she comes home, please tell me you'll find a way to get the hell out of there. she'll find you, no matter where you hide," advised anna katherine. i suddenly found myself lost in her eyes, which were not unlike an earthy mix of hazel and brown. unable to stop myself, i grabbed her jaw and felt her lips connect with mine. too soon, she pulled away, her expression confused.

"colin, you shouldn't have done that," said anna katherine. i bit my lip, but held back from saying anything, letting anna katherine lead me inside of her house. i was greeted by a mahogany brown that was the dominant color of the walls and furniture. anna katherine led me to a white staircase and quickly went up the steps leading me to her bedroom. she settled on her bed, a simple metal framed bed with a white sheet covering the mattress, while i felt it was more appropriate to sit on her floor, legs bent with my arms wrapped around my knees.

"why are you here? why do you want to-," began anna katherine before i interrupted her.

"i have to ask you some things, okay?"


"do you know kate havilland?" i questioned, looking up at anna katherine who was stretched out on her bed and facing me. her expression seemed even more nervous as i gave her time to process the question.

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