Apocalyptic Blocks

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HEY GUYS!!!! im trying something a little different, and by a little different i mean ALMOST EVERYONE has their own version of this kind of thing. it is a zombie apocalypse story with minecraft youtubers and some other characters. imma try to put my own spin on it, and im VERY excited to start!!!!! Without further rambling, here is my hook, or preview, if you will, of my new take on the zombie apocalypse: Apocalyptic Blocks....

Jaycee's POV

7 schools. 7 schools in our district had to send thier 2 best students to the town college to take a test. A very mysterious test about nothing school related. Yet the fact that this was the shadiest thing ever did not stop the teacher's greed. The chance of getting $10,000 for our school didnt help their good judgement. And now we are all stuck with our differences in an alternate dimension of blocks! SEND HELP!!!! OR NOT!!!! SAVE YOURSELF!!!! 

Some will LIVE

Some will DIE

Read on to ride the rollercoaster ride of how 14 high school students deal with zombies, getting out of a mysterious dimension, and the scariest of all, HORMONES!!!!!!!!

Im REALLY bad at writing previews, but i feel like this is a good way to describe what is going to happen. just know this will be mostly in jaycee's pov, so yeah. see yall on the flip side, when i publish the first chapter, which should be soon!!!! love you bunnies, and hope yall will enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apocalyptic BlocksWhere stories live. Discover now