bring me to the scary place

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HIIIIIII IM SO EXCITED TO FINALLY BE WRITING THIS!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! I really have nothing else to say, so please enjoy!!!!!!! these chapters will probably be really long, as imma try to include multiple pov's of the same situation/time each chapter, so *scar from lion king voice* BEEEE PREPAREDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaycee's POV

Welp, today is the day! Our school, Pine Heights High School, has chosen me and one of my best friends, Seto (a/n i know his real name isnt seto, but for this and all of my stories, he is seto. its just easier for me 2 write instead of being pelted with comments saying what his real name is when no one really knows. now, continue your readin) to go do some special test. This test is kinda confuzing, so i'll try to sum it up: 7 schools in our city have been chosen to send 2 students to our city's college to compete head to head in a test. It's actually a pretty shady situation, but our principal doesnt care because the school whose student gets the best score gets $10,000 for their school. The greed is OVERWHELMING. Seto's mom just picked me up to drive 3 hours to this stupid college. UGH!!!!! 

~~~~~~~Time skip to their arrival~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Time to get this crap started!!!!!!!! We had a couple of minutes to talk and get to know our fellow high schoolers. I met a couple of girls named Giselle and Ashley, the only girls here, actually. Giselle was pretty shy, but Ashley was an explosion of rainbows, glitter, and utter destruction! She was bouncing off of the walls complaining about how sexist society is in the fact that there are 3 girls here and 11 guys. (in case you guys are wondering, i did actually put myself in here [ashley]. I do what i want.) After about 10 minutes, we were ushered inside of the classroom. Little did we know.....


Jerome's POV

Today is the day. Me and Mitch have to go take some stupid test with some other students to possibly win money that we dont even get to keep. that's poop!!! I honestly don't know why our school picked US to represent them, but at least it's a couple days off of school. I was sitting on my front porch step, waiting for Mitch to waltz his butt over here so we can drive over to the college where this event is being hosted. Mitch keeps whining about how it seems shady, but I always just "kiss away his worries". And yes, Mitch and I are dating, and have been for 5 months. The fans are very accepting of it surprisingly. I was brosing twitter, telling the fans about how we wouldnt be uploading for a couple days. Little did we know it would be for a little more than a "few days".....

Okay, so I had my friend read this, and she was a bit confuzzled. So before any of y'all go into confuzed rant mode, let me explain some things. First off, this is everyone who is in this story.

Seto, Jaycee, Mitch, Jerome, Sky, Ty(deadlox), MunchingBrotato, KKComics, HuskyMudKIPZ, KermitPlaysMC, TrueMU, Giselle, Ashley, TBNRFrags

There!!! all of the other characters went through the same stuff, drive there, mingle, meet everyone (the girls didnt meet the guys, guys didnt meet girls) and go into the classroom. Also, one of the biggest things that confuzed eveyone is THERE IS NO TEAM CRAFTED YET. NOBODY KNOWS ANYONE ELSE YET, EXCEPT FOR THEIR PAIRS!!!!!!! They are in order, so seto+jaycee=pair, mitch+jerome=pair, etc. THANKS FOR READING, THE NEXT CHAPTER IS BEING WRITTEN RIGHT AFTER THIS ONE IS PUBLISHED!!!! Also, Question Of The Chapter:

what would you do with 10,000 dollars? i would split it up half and half, donate one half to charity, use the other half to buy whatever the shrimp i wanted!!!!!! which would probably be a lifetime supply of nutella and glitter.... yeah.


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