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Main character part veela, related to Fluer Delacour and Viktor Krum, daughter of Mad-Eye Moody.

First-third years at hogwarts.

Fourth year, halfway through is transferred out to durmstrang because of the attacks at hogwarts (chamber of secrets opened)

Fifth year Moved then to Beauxbatons once the year is up after finding out she is kin of Alastor. Alastor keeps her at Beauxbatons because of the escapée mass-murderer Sirius black.

Sixth year her father has her brought to hogwarts with fluer and Gabrielle to watch the tri-wizard tournament. After her name gets called from the goblet of fire, unexpectedly with her former best friend, Harry potter, she is forced to carry through with the tournament. She finds herself falling for Cedric Diggory, and even manages to save his life during the third task!

In her seventh year, she is back at hogwarts once more, only to find it's not all as fun as she had remembered now that Dolores Umbridge has come to stay. Her real father makes her promise to not get on Umbridges bad side, and she grudgingly sucks up to her and even joins the inquisitorial squad With the slytherins and most importantly, the Slimy git Malfoy. Nearing the end of the year she accompanies Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Neville to the ministry of magic to find and rescue Sirius.

Now she is done with her schooling, she has started to work at St. Mungos as a part time healer, and with Fred and George Weasley at their Joke shop on her time off, but weekends working for the order.

Dumbledores death and Snapes betrayal had taken a great roll on them all and she decides in honor of Dumbledores memory to protect Harry at all costs, and joins him with horcrux hunting journey despite his protesting.

She also plays a large part in the Final Battle of Hogwarts healing people and possibly saving her friends lives.

But what her fate beholds is unknown.

Remember you can change these up all you want! Maybe you want the character a boy, of have them the same age as Harry instead of slightly older than Fred and George. Not related to fluer Krum or moody. I don't care! Have fun

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