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You finally were able to collect yourself after being chased around the house. You were in your room unpacking your things. Just as you hung up your final shirt you heard a knock on your door. "Bitch Chan~" After an eye roll you opened the door. Laito stood there with his hat covering his eyes as he looked down on you...literally. He leaned down and whispered into your right ear. "fufu~ Bitch Chan has been bad. Reiji said for you to come down to his office for punishment for your little fiasco from earlier." He straightened himself. "I offered to do it myself but unfortunately you won't be receiving it from me. Aren't you upset about that Bitch Chan~" He lifted your chin as the words rolled off his tongue. You rolled your eyes. "devastated" you replied in a dull tone. "Go on to the study Bitch Chan or would you like a personal escort?" Laito said as he stepped to the side and out of your way. "I'll pass" you replied with a smile that subtly said: Piss off and let me leave. "Bye Bitch Chan call me if you need me fufu~"

Your POV

I turned and walked away down the hall. My mind flooded with ideas of what Reiji was going to do. Was he going to paddle me? Yell at me? Bite me? Hell, probably all three with the stunt I pulled. I walked down the dark halls of the mansion until I reached the double doors of the study. After a deep breath, I knocked. No answer. "Reiji San?" No answer. After about five minutes of "are you there"s and "Can I come in"s I eventually said screw it and walked in after announcing that I was coming in. Reiji was sat there in his chair with a book in hand and tea. "Reiji San?" He looked up and pressed his glasses with his gloved hand. He looked down and pointed to the table beside him. On it was a clean and ironed maid outfit. I walked towards it puzzled. "Put it on then come back in. It's your punishment" Confused, I went to put it on. I returned to the study in my maid outfit duster in hand. I looked around then realized... it's spotless in here. "Uhm, Reiji San everything is already cle-" He threw his cup of tea at the ground and the cup shattered. I looked at him mortified. He didn't look up, however. "Clean," he commanded. I grabbed my brush and dustpan and squatted to begin picking out the pieces of the cup. "On all fours." Reiji said as he turned his page. "huh?" I questioned, completely unaware of what he was asking. "I said on all fours. Get on all fours." He replied looking at his book. "B-but my dress will go up..." I said. He slammed his book shut and placed it neatly on his side table. He walked up to me and smacked me across the face. "Do I have to tell you twice you ill minded slut?" My cheek was tinted red and I got on my hands and knees. Reiji sat back down. I cleaned up the tea on the ground with thorough mopping. I began to walk out. "No," Reiji said as he stood up and walked towards me. "Up against the bookshelf", I pressed my back to the stacks of books behind me. "Because you tried to leave without permission you're going to serve a new form of punishment" He placed 6 books atop my head. "for each book that falls off you must remove an article of clothing." I was overwhelmed with the shock of what Reiji was asking. I calmed down and collected myself and thought. All I have to do is stand still it's simple. "Now walk to the end of the shelf and back." Fuck. I walked down and stuck my arms out. One book fell off. And another. I walked back then dropped a final book. As I finished. "Fucccckkkk." I mumbled to myself. Reiji removed the books and put them into the shelf. "Stockings, apron, and the dress. Strip." Reiji said. "But that's almost everything..." I mumbled. "Do it or I'll remove more" he commanded. I pulled off my stockings and apron. Leaving me in the dress. I unbuttoned the back. And slowly slipped the dress off. Dropping my head. I shivered and the dress dropped to the floor. Reiji grabbed my removed clothing and tossed it onto the chair. He grabbed my chin and lifted it up he walked forward until I was pressed into the shelf.

3rd Person POV
He leaned into your face. Removed his glove. And grabbed your chin roughly. He kissed you. However, you didn't open your mouth. He poked his fangs into your bottom lip. You opened your mouth to let out a groan of pain. Then you realized your mistake. His tongue pressed against yours and he grabbed your hair tightly and pressed your head down till you were on the floor. You were taken by storm by how fast everything has changed. You had suspicions since he told you to get on the ground on your hands and knees. The pace that everything was moving at was insane. You enjoyed this too much to tell him to stop. He snaked his hand around to your back. He took his other hand and placed it on your chest and licked the parts of your breasts that were visible. he unclasped your bra and ripped it off of your body. He played with them with both hands and sucked them as you wrapped your hands around his neck. He kissed up your neck still holding one breast in his hand. He placed his hand on your neck and squeezed. Slowly choking you. You tried to pull his hand away but his other hand moved down to your drenched underwear. You breathed in fast and he moved his hand faster. His hand around your neck tightened. Too tight.You tried to move his hand away but you always stopped because of his other hand that practically bent you to his will. You arched your back. "Beg before I make you pass out" he whispered in your ear. "Rei~ah~ji *gasp* p-please" you stammered. He let go and stood up. You sat on the floor exposed and confused to why he left. He walked over to a drawer and pulled out handcuffs. Your eyes widened and he sat in the chair. he clicked the handcuffs open and looked at you. You knew what he wanted. You stood up and walked over to him in the chair. You stood in front of him and squatted down to the ground. You plopped yourself down and leaned forward. He undid his belt and set it to the side. You pulled his pants and boxers down to his mid thigh. His member sat in front of your face straight up. You put your hands on his stomach and he grabbed them and cuffed them together. You slid your hands slowly down his waist onto his manhood and licked up the front while your hands moved quickly up and down the sides. You shoved the entire thing down your throat and moved your tongue insanely quick around it's shaft. You heard his groans as you bobbed up and down. He pressed his hand down on your head and held you there as you gagged. He let go and let you lift up your head. Your mouth looked glazed and his member dripped in saliva. He stood up and walked you over to a table. You put your shackled hands on the desk and leaned on it. You felt a smack on your ass. Reiji belted you...and you screamed. It hurt like hell. He pulled your panties to the ground and u slipped them off of your legs. He put his member at your entrance poking a slight part of the tip in you. You moaned slightly. Then you felt something around your neck. A belt. Lovely right? Reiji buckled it tightly and held on to the end with a firm grasp. He grabbed your shoulders and pulled them back and whispered in your ear. In the middle of him talking he slid fingers inside you and hit a perfect spot. "How bad do you want this Hm? I suppose you should beg" you let out some moans. He dug his teeth into your shoulder. It was painful but you loved it anyway."Ngh~" you mumbled. "Don't make me tell you twice, slave." He said as he dragged his fangs out from the now marks on your shoulder." I w~ ahhhh~ want it." He inserted his full length into you. You dug your hands into the table and held your mouth shut. You moved back and forth quickly as did Reiji. He grabbed your hips and pulled you towards him roughly. "Quiet all of the sudden are we?" He said as he raised a brow. He grabbed the belt and pulled it back "I'm not a fan" He moved faster and eventually your mouth opened and let go of it's tension overflowing with moans and gasps. "Oh, hit a nerve did I?" He whispered almost sounding apologetic. "N-no-AH-" he pulled the belt quickly. "Tsk tsk girls who lie are bad girls. And bad girls get punished" He stopped moving. You were confused. Was he done? You didn't feel anything? You were utterly puzzled as he paused. He  removed himself from you and pointed and spun his finger. "Face me" he commanded. You stood up straight with quivering legs and backed yourself up and sat on the table facing Reiji. "Do I have to move your legs myself? What a pain you are" he grabbed your thigh roughly and pulled it to the side. It was cold. He pushed the other one to the side. He grabbed the belt at the end of your neck and pulled you towards him by your neck causing pain. "I'm feeling generous so...pick a spot" he said staring at you. "Wha?" You asked confused. "Are you that useless? Pick a spot on your body.I told you." He commanded. You didn't reply. "Stubborn...fine. I'll chose myself. I gave you a chance didn't I?" He grabbed the bottom of your foot and moved it up so your thigh was bent and rested your foot on the table. He walked towards you and bent down a bit to your thigh. He was so close. He licked it quickly and flicked his tongue off. "Nervous and sweaty. Don't worry. This will only be excruciating." He said mischievously. He bit into your thigh deeply. You shuddered and knew there was nothing you could do. He stopped sucking and let go of your thigh. Blood dripped down towards your waist. "Oh?" He said sounding interested. "I'm not fond of thing unclean" he licked the blood that had leaked down to your inner thigh. Then stood straight. He undid your belt and set it to the side. You looked puzzled. He un-cuffed your handcuffs and set them to the side as well. You didn't really understand what he was doing. He walked closer to you aligning his face with yours. "Hands." He instructed. You gave him your hands. He held one in his. And another rested on his palm. He bit the hand that lay atop his palm. You winced. He then placed both of your hands around his neck. He re entered you slowly. He pulled you closer by your sides. You had been looking away since he bit your hand. He pressed deeper and at an increased pace. You moaned in delight. You couldn't help but look at him out of curiosity. He was focused on your face. You stared directly at him making eye contact. He smirked and took this as an opportunity to win. He grabbed your throat and pressed his hand against it. Just enough to be satisfied. Your eyes widened as you looked at him in disbelief as he managed to force himself into a faster pace. You became a mess. Moaning out and sweating. Whimpering. You were doing it all. You felt a knot of tension build in your stomach. It tightened every second and started to cause slight pain. "R-reiji I *gasp* I" you stammered. "What was that?" He asked knowingly. "I'm go-nnahh- gonna -c-c" you tried hard to get it out but you just couldn't with the feelings you had right now. "Your sputtering is annoying don't bother" he said as he pulled you closer. Your nails dug into Reiji's back leaving marks and scratches all along. "Ah calm yourself before you tear my back apart you brat" he scolded. You moved your hands back to his neck and held them together tightly. He forced himself as hard as he could into you. You held your mouth tight. He tightened the hand on your throat. "Do it before I say and it will be hell for you worthless skank" He insulted. You didn't even care. You couldn't at that moment. You nodded in response. You held it in as tight as you could. You couldn't do it anymore. You began shaking and quivering. Reiji pressed as deep as he could and as fast as possible and then said "fine." You let yourself go. Screaming almost. You shook and curled your toes. He didn't stop for a moment. He then quickly pulled out and released on your stomach. He grunted deep in his throat making it nearly inaudible. He put his clothing back on fully and adjusted his glasses he hadn't removed. (You have no idea how the hell he managed to keep those things on) you had sat there breathing hard. "You weren't even doing all the work brat" he mumbled. You didn't mind after what he did for you just now. You almost didn't mind the whole borderline rape thing. You began to slide off the table when Reiji stopped you. "No." You looked at him puzzled. He took his index finger and collected everything he just released and held the finger in front of your mouth. "Lick." After realizing unless you had some wild parkour move you weren't getting out of this. You licked his finger all over till it was clean. "I'll clean this I'm feeling generous as I said before. Take all your clothes. The maid outfit as well." You began re dressing. "Ah. Did I say you could re-dress? No. Walk out there through those halls holding them. Not wearing." Reiji insisted. You began to retaliate but after thinking you decided your best bet was to run. You dropped your head stood at the door. You ran full speed up the stairs and to your room. Shu was sat downstairs on the couch with headphones in and his eyes now shut.

"Tch and I thought I was lazy."

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