Chapter 30

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Chase POV Continued

"Zoey made brownies!” Alexa exclaimed. She held them out to Logan, who clearly had no clue what to do next.

“Relax,” Zoey said. “I didn’t poison them.”

He took a bite.

Zoey continued. “However, I knew you’d be eating them, so I put in a secret ingredient….”

Logan stopped chewing.

Zoey stood up and faced Logan. Every nerve in my body was on edge.

She shook her head. “Logan, I work too hard on my food to waste it on you. Plus” — she leaned in so she was only inches from his face — “you and I both know I don’t need to bake to do damage.”

She turned on her foot and went to the kitchen.

Logan was flustered. “Man, that girl. She just … I think I’d be madly in love with her if she didn’t scare me so much. But maybe that’s why I like her. Not like I like like her.” Logan gave up trying to make sense of what happened and walked away, first toward the kitchen, then thinking better of it and heading in the opposite direction.

Alexa laughed. “Wouldn’t they make a fun couple?”

I came so close to blurting out, Wouldn’t they WHAT? but stopped myself.

Apparently my disgust was evident without words. “Calm down!” Alexa’s eyes were wide. “I was just joking.”

The doorbell rang and Alexa excused herself, leaving me alone at a party that was in my honor.

I thought about what Logan had said. About how Zoey scared him.

I knew exactly what he meant. Because she also scared me.

She scared me because I loved her.


Chase: On a scale from one to ten, how much of a pain was I after my injury? And please be honest.

Zoey: Do you think I would hold back on you?

Chase: Unfortunately, no.

Zoey: On a scale from one to ten? Thirteen.

Chase: Fair enough.

Zoey: Now I have a question for you. On a scale from one to ten, how annoyed were you that I was going to the dance with someone else?

Chase: Infinity.


Zoey POV

It’s funny how quickly your opinion of a dance can change.

I always thought the idea of a winter dance was silly. It was only three months after homecoming and three months before prom — did we really need another reason to fret over dates, dresses, and the drama that follows such occasions?

But when a cute college guy asked me to go? Well, who was I to stand in the way of tradition? Plus, we all know how much I loved my distractions.

Glen took me out to eat the weekend before the dance. It was a nice change to have a guy pick me up instead of my having to constantly take Chase around. While I was more than happy to help him out, it was still a chore.

I kept glancing over my menu at Glen. He was only a couple inches taller than me, but he was lean, with broad shoulders, dark brown hair, and dark eyes — almost the exact opposite of Chase. I couldn’t understand why he would want to hang out with me, a high school girl.

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