Chapter Two: Garden Maze Stories

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(Ignore the people in the pic 😜)

The two stared at each other. Kimberly blushed, but Leo remained neutral in his expressions. Kim quickly excused herself, but as she walked away, she still felt his blue eyes on her. She sat down at her table, which was near her aunt. She stared down at her plate of food she had already gotten before she went to go see her aunt.

Leo watched her, watching as she only stared at her food. He sat at a table, a few tables away from Kim's. He didn't eat, noting liking the food choice. Steak was not his thing, though he did like the peppermint punch concoction. As he sipped his beverage he continued to stare at her. He seen she was uncomfortable and even at times seemed squeamish. He knew it was wrong to make her feel that way, but he took great pleasure in it anyways.

Then a slow song came on and without thinking, he stood up, walking over to her.

Kim looked up from her plate and spotted the blue masked turtle, and panicked. Why is coming over here?! She though as he walked closer towards her.

Leo slightly smirked as she tried to look away from him, fidgeting in her seat. He loved it. Once he stood in front of her, he held out his hand and smiled,

"May I have this dance?"

Kim stared at his hand for a moment, then stared into his eyes. She was locked in and felt hypnotized. She reached up and placed her small hand in his large one. She stood up from her seat, forgetting about why she was even nervous.

Leo guided her to the dance floor, not focusing on anyone else, only her. Leo placed his hands where they were suppose to be and Kim did as well, then began to sway with the music. Kim tried to keep her eyes else where, but his eyes were staring right into hers, she couldn't look away. As said before, she was in a trance.

Leo smiled down at her, "My name is Leonardo, but I think you already knew that by now."

Kim nodded, "Y-Yea I did."

Leo smiled, but mentally smirked at her stutter. After a minute or two he began to converse again.

"So your the chief's niece?" He asked.

Kim nodded, "That's me. My moms sister."

Leo nodded, "What's it like?"

Kim looked up at him confused, "What do. you mean?"

Leo smiled, "I mean," he took a pause to spin her, when she twirled back towards him, her back was to his chest and swayed, "What's it like to have the Chief as your aunt?"

Kim blushed at the dance position, but replied, "She is not as stern as she seems. Just stay on her good side."

Leo smirked that time at her little warning, spinning her again, this time facing each other once more. Kim kept blushing and she felt herself getting hot.

Kim was never one to lie, well really she wasn't good at it, but she felt no shame when admitting that Leo was indeed handsome. His muscles topped it all off to. She would anything just to touch-


Kim snapped out of her thoughts, looking up at leader in blue. She smiled and cleared her throat,

"Sorry just thinking."

The music stopped and Kim was about to leave, but Leo gently grabbed her arm. Kim looked up at him, as a unanticipated shiver went through her body.

Leo felt her body shudder at his touch and was craving that reaction again. He smiled and gently said,

"Walk with me."

Kim looked up at him, "I don't know-"

"Please..." Leo said, interrupting her by bringing his face a little closer to hers as he pleaded.

Kim froze for a moment, till her head nodded up and down slowly. She walked right behind him, looking at there still interlocked hands. Once they were out of the tent, she walked next to him, letting his hand go gently. They walked in silence for a moment, till she saw him walking towards the garden maze. She smiled, wanting to know what was in the garden maze when she arrived.

They walked into the beautiful maze, surrounded by all kinds of flowers, that intertwined each other creating a wall. They walked down the grassy hall, looking at the flowers in silence. Then Kim saw a bench and decided to seat herself, then patted the seat next to her, wanting Leo to sit himself as well.

Leo smiled and took the seat, looking around still, till his eyes only glued on to Kim.

Kim looked at the flowers, even touching some, gently rubbing the soft petals between her fingers. The she leaned forward to take a quick sniff, getting a sweet scent. She smiled and looked away from the flowers, only to meet his eyes again. What was with his eyes? What's wrong with me? Kim questioned in her head.

"How old are you Kimberly?" Leo asked.

Kim was taken back fro a second by the question, but knew he was only asking.

"I am 19... You are as well I presume?"

Leo chuckled and nodded, "I am."

Kim blushed, but giggled slightly, "Now you must answer my question."

Leo smirked, "Which is...?"

Kim smiled, "How did you end up here?"

Leo looked down at her, "What do you mean?" He asked, not sure what she was asking.

"I mean, what's your story." Kim said, elaborating a bit more.

Leo nodded in understanding, "It is a story, a long one..."

Kim asked, "Good thing we have two more hours to talk before the party is over."

Leo chuckled, "You really wish to know?"

Kim nodded, which made him sigh lightly. He smiled and looked at Kim, beginning his story.

"Well 19 years ago me and my brothers, along with my father, were never like this. Me and my brother were just normal box turtles, while my father was just a normal rat. We were experiment subjects and we were mutated, by a doctor named Eric Sach's-"

"The one who worked with Shredder?" Kim asked, knowing the name was familiar.

Leo nodded, "Yes. Sachs wAs basically Shredder's adopted son. He mutated us, for his evil plans. Then April, who just met, her father was a scientist along side Sach's. April father was a good man and stopped Sach's setting the lab to flames, burning all of Sach's work. April was the one who saved us, getting us out of the burning building and let us free. Now here we are."

Kim nodded, "How did you learn to fight?"

Leo smiled, "That was my fathers doing. He wanted to protect us. He wanted us to defend ourselves in case the outside work didn't except us. So he taught himself and then taught us."

"Incredible..." Kim muttered.

Leo chuckled and nodded, "It is indeed."

Kim blushed and giggled, "That is quite a story. Any more you have to tell."

Leo smiled, "Not at this moment no, but I am sure more memories will pop up."

Kim smiled and looked up at him, staring into his eyes again. Leo looked down at her, staring back at her eyes. Without realizing, they started to lean towards each other.

"Get some Leo!!"

The two jumped away from each other and looked over to see Raph, Donnie, and Mikey. Leo rolled his eyes as his brothers all laughed. Kim giggled at the antics.


Sorry for my errors! 😬

Chapter Question: Favorite Music Artist?

My Answer: Little Mix (a girl band)

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