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Quick AN, so sorry if this is a tad confusing with the double Sonic's and other characters.
The blinding light of Eggman's lair woke Amy up.

"Uugh... wha? Wh-Where am I?" Amy asked, squinting her eyes in the bright light. "This situation seems oddly familiar?" Then she realized where she was, the metal walls, the color white engulfed the theme of the entire room.

"Eggman?!" Amy screeched, mostly in rage and annoyance. "You better let me out this instant!" A familiar chuckle of laughs bounced off the walls until the owner stepped out.

"I think not- you see... I've got a great plan set forward, and I need you to be a part of it!" He pulled a lever that turned on a bright light, revealing a large machine close to Amy. "This baby is going to send you to other side of the planet!" He said, hitting the side of it.

Amy gasped at the large machine in front of her. "You're insane, Eggman!" She hissed at him. "Sonic will defeat just like always!"

"Oh yes, he might do that. But while he's gone searching for you, who will protect Bygone Island? Those other three can hardly handle themselves without their precious leader!" He laughed at his plan, marveling at his brilliance.

"Oh, here comes the hero now!" Eggman smiled as he looked at his security cameras.

Amy could hear the sounds of walls being broken down and the loud booming sound of them tumbling down. It got louder and louder, making Amy cover her ears as the last wall smashed to the ground. Slowly, Amy opened her eyes to see Sonic and her friends.

Sonic had a look of pure unadulterated anger. As soon as his eyes met hers, they softened, but only slightly. He turned to Eggman, his face full of rage once again. "Let her go and I won't hurt your pride too much!" He growled angrily. Eggman merely laughed at the threat, leaning back in his chair.

"Oh, no, no, Sonic The Hedgehog! You think I'd waste my time just to give up here? You won't be seeing your Amy for quite some time!" He pressed a red button and realization hit Sonic as his face turned to Amy.

"Amy!" He outreached his hand for her. He was so close, the whirring sounds of the machine didn't stop him. He was about to grab her when he was pulled back by two tiny yellow arms. "You can't, Sonic! It could-"

"I don't care! I need to-"

In a blink, Amy disappeared from his view. There was a suffocating silence that followed. Sonic felt limp, she was gone. "No! Amy!" He shouted, breaking out of his shocked trance. Sonic struggled to escape Tails' grip, which wasn't that hard. He ran to where she had stood mere seconds ago. His heart was racing, he was never too slow, he always saved the day.

Where was she?

"Bring her back! Where'd you send her?" Sonic growled at Eggman.

"I-I don't know..."

Sonic felt his heart shatter. "Wh-What?" He stammered in disbelief. His fur bristled as Tails and Knuckles now both held him back. "What do you mean you don't know?" He growled loudly and tried to reach for Eggman. All he wanted to do was rip his stupid mustache off his face.

"Bring her back! I swear I'll murder you if you don't-"

"I don't know how, Sonic!" Eggman yelled. His face paled as he scanned the computer with his eyes. "This wasn't supposed to happen! She was supposed to be teleported across the planet, but she's nowhere!"

SonAmy: Falling ThroughWhere stories live. Discover now