Chapter 16

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It was around midnight and most of the teachers started doing their own thing, not caring about what their victims were doing. Manny, Harry, Robin, and yourself were currently Manny's room. The door was closed and locked so that no one would open it. 

Manny: What do we do to get out of here?

(Y/N): We have to get to the portal.

Harry: What portal?

(Y/N): It's a portal to the real world. I know where it is but there is a code on it. Thankfully I know the code too.

Robin: So what's the point of discussing this?

(Y/N): We have to find a way to break it. So that no one can go in nor get out. 

Harry: What about smashing it?

(Y/N): Yea, then we would have to break both keypads.

Manny: There's 2?

(Y/N): Yea.

Robin: What about (Y/N) opens the portal, 3 of us gets out, the 1 left quickly breaks the first keypad, the other 3 pulls them through the portal as it closes, then we break the final keypad, and we're free!

Harry: Sounds good.

Manny: Yea good thinking Robin!

(Y/N): Well, should we go and try it right now?

Harry: Sure. The sooner, the better.

You got up and the others followed you. You went down the stairs and approached the front door. Where do you think you're going? You all turned around and saw Tony standing behind Robin with his hands on his nonexistent hips. Harry spoke first. 

"We are going to the field to look at the stars."

At this time of night?

"Well, stars don't come out in the day."

Hmm. I guess you're right. Only for 5 minutes. I'll send Leo to get you. Alright?

"Yea, ok. Come on guys."

 Tony watched as you walked outside and closed the door. You walked until the house was out of view. "Ok so, the first keypad is on a cloud. I don't think that the cloud is alive so it must be in the same place."

"How are we gonna get up in the sky?" Robin asked.

"Easy, we have to get the attention of a cloud."

You pointed at one that was approaching. All four of you shouted and got the clouds attention. It happily floated to the ground and all of you climbed on. Manny started to speak as you directed the cloud to the keypad. "I remember being on one of these clouds. It was when I first met Shrignold. It was terrible." 

"Oh. This may be a random question, but what would Colin do if you had another computer?"

"Think that you're cheating on him. Then he'll destroy it."

"Oh ok. We're here."

The cloud stopped in front of the keypad. "Ok, so you guys will go into my world first, and I will destroy the keypad."

The others nodded.


Shrignold was returning home after he went shopping for flowers, chocolate hearts, and things he hoped would make you happy. "Oh my lovable (Y/N), I have a gift for you!" Shrignold said as walked into the house. He saw Tony on the wall. (Because he's a clock.) "Hey Tony, do you know where (Y/N) went?" 

"(He/she) went outside with Manny, Robin, and Harry to the field."

"To do what?"

"To look at the stars I guess. I told them that they could only be out there for 5 minutes."

"Ok, thanks. I'll go get (Y/N)!"

"You do that."

Shrignold sat the items in his room and went to the field. He searched everywhere but couldn't find you. He started to worry. "What if something happened to my dear (Y/N)? What if (he/she) is trying to escape again? I'll punish (him/her) good this time." He fluttered to where the portal was.


You tapped the code on the keypad and the portal opened. Manny, Harry, and Robin climbed out and into the real world. "Woah, I feel different." Manny said as he rubbed his arm. 

(Y/N)! My dearie! Haven't you learned?!

You turned your head and saw Shrignold flying towards you at full speed. He was less than 10 yards away.

You went to your world and now you've returned!

You bashed the keypad with your fist.

I don't want to be angry, but I'm tired of it!

You kept bashing until you saw wires start to pop out.

You never listen and that puts me in a fit!

You ripped the wires out and nearly electrocuted yourself.

I killed the ones you love, didn't that give you a clue?!

You turned to Shrignold who was now 10 ft away. 

"You know what Shrignold? Fuck you."

Harry and Robin pulled you up before the portal closed. You looked at the 2nd keypad and spoke. "Someone get a rock." Manny picked up a giant rock and handed it to you. You chucked it at the keypad. It smashed the keypad and made the wires visible. You tore the wires out and threw them somewhere.

You looked at your body, you were human again! You looked at the others. They looked the same but a bit more realistic. Not too realistic. Robin was touching the grass on the ground. "This feels so tender!"

"Come on guys. Let's go." 

All of you went to your secret cabin.


Shrignold was motionless on the ground. Your last words broke his heart. He wanted you back, more than ever. "(he/she)'s g-gone...." Shrignold weakly flew up to the keypad. It was completely destroyed. It could be replaced, but you would be far away and lost." He glided back to the ground and folded his wings down. A tear rolled down the butterfly's cheek. 

Goodbye (Y/N). I'll miss you.

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