✧ lost and found

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"Hey Jennie i found this on the floor is this yours I-"

"Put it down!" I yelled.

I ran towards him and snatched the picture out of his hands. The picture of me and my mom, my most prized possession. He stood there in confusion and fear.

"Im sorry i-"

"Dont ever touch this again!" I yelled as my breathing was rapid and my hands were shaking.

I laid down on my bed i curled up into a ball with my picture hugged between my chest. I shut my eyes tight while the tears flooded my eyes. I tried to calm down. My heavy breathing stopped but i began to choke on my tears.

I could hear slight footsteps come towards the bed. Kibum sat down besides me and began to gently rub my arm back and forth.

"Its okay its okay." He whispered with a soothing voice.

Its honestly been a while since I've cried this hard. I know Kibum didnt mean any harm but i was never very open about what happened. Its not easy, and it never will be.

Kibum continued to comfort me and rub his soft hands against my arm. Soon i completely calmed down and the tears stopped.


"Im sorry I shouldnt have touched that I just didnt know it was so special to you."

"Its not your fault."

"I know ive only known you for a few hours but you can tell me anything thats upsetting you i want to understand you. And if you dont want to thats okay."

I sat up from the bed to face Kibum and i began to wipe the tears from my cheek.

"I-im not ready Im sorry i-"

Kibum put his hand on my back and slowly rubbed it. He gave me a sincere smile and honestly i felt really comfortable.

"Don't be sorry everything will be okay."

"You know, surprisingly youre more than just a pretty face and big ego."
I laughed

"Im honored wow a compliment from you?"

"Whatever now get off my bed im going to sleep."

"Sleep? At 9:40 on a night like this?"

"Well yeah i mean-"

Kibum grabbed two cold bottles from the mini fridge and walked towards me.

"Follow me!" He said grabbing my hand and running to the front door.

"You fool! let me go!"

"Kiii where are we going?" I whined as we reached the top of the long stairs. We reached a red door that said "exit."

"After you." He smiled as he opened the door for me.

"Yuck." I rolled my eyes and walked out of the door.

We were on the roof top. There were few foldable chairs and cigarette buds on the ground. The view was pretty you could see almost every star imaginable.

blue ✧ ink - Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now