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"Private number"


"Hello Jennie Kim this is Detective Jo from the Seoul city police department we'll need you down at the station, it's about your family's case"

The balance between worry and happiness weighed on my chest. My spine tingled in fear. I hope the news i receive could get me closer to finding the murderer of my family.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah ive just got to go they want me down at the police station."

"Tell me if everything goes well!" Hyojin smiled and waved

I smiled back and walked my way out


"Sign in please." A security guard said holding a brown clipboard and white sheet of paper.

I walked down the busy hallway and into a small office room.

"Jennie, Hello how are you?" Detective Jo smiled

Detective Jo was like family to me. She helped me all these years with my family's case and comforted me while going through it all. Sometimes she even took care of me and let me stay at her place.

"Im good and you?" I answered and slid the chair infront of her desk

"Good as well, its been a while anything new?"

"I am going to school now, its as stressful as it looks." I laughed

"Thats amazing. You know a young girl like you should have a boyfriend by now youth shouldn't be taken advantage of!"

"maybe youre right" I shrugged

The black door creaked open revealing a head peeping from outside

"Ms.Kim, Please follow us into the interrogation room."

Detective Jo rubbed my hand and followed behind me out the door.

The room was dark with only the sunlight to make the room visible. The seats were cold and the room echoed as our chairs were pushed out.

Detective Jo and a policeman sat facing me. Detective Jo reached from under her chair and lifted a big brown box onto the table.

she reached into the box and pulled out a square shaped item with ashes falling from it.

My heart beat at the speed of time and my mind drew blank as i observed the small notebook Detective Jo slid to me with the words "Dream Journal" written in blue ink.

"We found that while searching through the investigation and paper work, it was the only thing left in the fire."

I flipped through the pages 2 by 2 and suddenly the memories all came back to me

My mom always wrote in blue ink,

Blue was her favorite color

blue ✧ ink - Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now