Take off

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12:30pm *British airways flight 125 to London*

Lisa takes out her nail polish and pulls the tray down from the seat in front of her. She couldn't be more excited to go to London. She chooses a bright red nail polish that matches her new skirt. She just about starts to stroke her nail and the flight attendant taps her on the shoulder and tells her to put it away, people are complaining about the smell.

Dani slides the plastic cover to the window open next to her, she starts to see land beneath her. She gets butterflies in her stomach awaiting the arrival abroad. She she starts to stuff her pillows and blankets in her backpack that are covering her and Amy.

Lauren is in the aisle seat, she has been practicing her new music the entire flight. She is wearing a white shirt with a black and white picture of Big Ben on it, with black leggings and combat boots. She takes a boot off and starts to massage her foot, it's starting to fall asleep from sitting for such a long time.

Christina has also been practicing the new music the whole flight, she hears the beep of the pilot on the intercom, she takes out her earbuds. He is talking about the weather in London and how the plane will be descending and everyone needs to stay seatbelted. Christina leans over Katherine who is in the window seat next to her and sees the ocean parting with the land as the plane gets closer and closer to landing.

The plane arrives at the airport and the wheels are out, about to land, they all lean back as the plane vibrates and suddenly touches the ground and starts to slow down.

The plane arrives at the gate and they immediately stand up and grab their stuff from the over head bins. Amy stays in her seat and patiently waits because she knows she would not be able to reach anything anyway because of her height. Dani grabs Amy's stuff for her and shoves it at her and smiles. They start to exit the plane.

Lauren and Katherine get off the plane way ahead of the others. They stand at the gate in the airport waiting for the rest to exit. Lauren looks around and notices a cute boy talking with his friends near by. He looks to be the same age as her with red hair and a smile Lauren seems to be attracted to. She tuggs on Katherines sleeve and points him out to her. Katherine smiles really big and makes the sound "ooooooooo" in a romantic type way. Lauren notices him talking and he has a thick British accent.

Katherine suggests she should go say hi. Lauren, being the shy type immediately hesitates. She really wants to say hi but all the embarrassing things that could happen floods her brain. She looks at him again, and they make eye contact, she looks at him then suddenly looks away. She gets huge butterfly's in her stomach. She finally gets the courage to walk over, she takes the 1st step and just then the rest of her family gets off the plane.

Christina is in the front with her map out directing them where to go. She is loud, and the rest lug behind her with backpacks and shoulder bags. Lauren sighs and follows. She looks behind her shoulder at him as they walk away.

2:45pm or 14:45 *Cimorellis hotel rooms - London, England*

Amy, Lisa and Christina pile into one room. Katherine, Dani, and Lauren are in the room right across the hall. Mike, and mom stay in a room, on a different floor.

Lisa and Christina start planning times to see the stage, and times to practice. They are in the mood to get work done and make sure this is the best performance possible.

Dani sets her stuff down on what is to be her side of the bed. She grabs her iphone and gives it to Kath, so she can take a picture of her and Lauren by the window of the room. They are on the 20th floor so out the window, they can see most of London, like Big Ben and the London eye. Kath snaps the cute picture of Dauren and Dani immediately posts it to instagram and twitter, telling her fans how excited she is to finally be in London.

Cimorelli in London 2014 Where stories live. Discover now