Meeting Keanu

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~at the gym~

We both arrived at the gym and instantly spotted him. He is pretty hard to miss. As per my usual reaction to men I found the biggest thing I could find and hid behind it, this happened to be a weight machine that I literally have no idea how to use. He was talking to a cute boy with short blond hair and bright blue eyes.

"Yo, my man, Tyler! Didn't expect to see you here" he said to the blond.

"Ya, my English lit class was canceled; Just trying to make good use of the time"

"Awesome! Uh- but- hey man, listen. Thanks for watching Philip the other day, sorry I dropped him on you last minute"

"Nah, don't worry about it. The kid's cool with me"

"Did he give you any trouble?"

"No, he was pretty well-behaved"

"Well- behaved? You sure you were watching my kid?"

They both laughed.

"Yeah, it was him alright"

"Alright, I know I still owe you, but I'm getting paid tomorrow, you'll see some dough soon"

"Nah, man, I don't mind helping out. Anything for a friend"

"You're taking my money, dude, no exceptions"

"Buy yourself a drink or something, see ya, bud!"

And with that he left. The ravenette tried calling after him but he was already gone.

Kyu starts getting excited and hops up "Du~ude, check out his GUNS! He's fucking loaded! I'd kill to have biceps like those! He... might be out of your league, but who knows! Maybe there's hope. I wonder why he got dropped with the kid though, he doesn't seem to be taken despite being a baby-daddy. Regardless, whatever you do.. Don't be a complete ass hat. Oh shit- he's coming over. And we're rolling!" he says as he disappears, again throwing me right into action with barely any warning. He said that as if I'm an "ass hat" normally.. I huff, feeling a bit offended.

He makes his way over to me... more specifically the machine I'm on... he is pretty muscular.. You can tell he works out often, and his tight low cut tank top really shows off his pecs, and I can even see the shape of his abs through the shirt, and his eyes are such a pretty shade of violet. Wow...

"Oh hey! I didn't know this machine was taken. Are you almost done?" he asks. As Internal panicking ensues for me.

I calmly smile and say "Yup! Just finished, go for it!"

"Cool! Thanks a lot"

I am at a loss on what to say to keep the conversation going.. until I notice the cross necklace around his neck "working out in a necklace like that? Isn't that hard?"

"What?" he looks down and notices "oh shit! I completely blanked on this! My bad!" he says and laughs "thanks! ..wait, you're new here aren't you? I've never seen you here before so that MUST be the case. I come here so often I pretty much know everyone here personally haha, call me obsessed but I just like working out. Habits die hard" (you could already tell) "name's Keanu. Will I be seeing you here more often?"

*Keanu has been added to the hunkiebee*

"Absolutely! I look forward to it!" I lied... I was NOT looking forward to working out... but... he looks happy with that answer.

"Awesome. Good to see another active person here!"

I just smiled and nodded "yuuup... you bet!..haha.."

"Oh! Wait a minute! This just came to me, do you do yoga? There are awesome yoga classes here that you just have to take, the instructor is really awesome, I think you'd really dig it. That iiiis if you're okay with being in a room full of sweaty guys" we both laugh, but not to worry since I absolutely did not mind that at all.

After words of goodbyes and see ya laters were exchanged Kyu dragged me off to follow that blond boy. I had to admit... I kinda felt like a creep...

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