A Hunkiepop Valentine... Again And Again... (Part 1)

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Ahhhh~ Valentine's day~ a day of love, a day where people come together and exchange little gestures of adoration for one another. Back when I lived with my family it was just another day... I didn't notice it pass.. I was always busy with something... and.. it wasn't like I had a harem of guys after me, lining up to give me chocolate... Well! As a single young lady with way too much time on her hands I'm gonna enjoy myself today and buy myself some sweets~!

As I was getting ready to go out into the chilly February morning I hear the quick pitter-patter of what I recognize to be Momo's footsteps. He rushes down the stairs and hugs me. "Master! We have to do it!"

"Do what??"

"Sex! We have to have sex right now!"

"Wh-what? Why??"

"Mr.Kyu said that on Valentines day you have to do it with someone you love all day long and you can't wait!"

"....you need to stop listening to Kyu when I'm not around...."

"Is that wrong?" he tilts his head and one of his ears twitch, I giggle and pat his head.

"Well.. I don't think there's a wrong way to celebrate Valentine's day... but let's calm down with the sex thing for now"

"Oh, okay, Master....but... we can do it later right?" he looks at me with hopeful eyes that tug on my heartstrings. I was planning on just letting the day pass.. but spending it with Momo wouldn't be so bad.

"Sure thing, Kitten" I giggle and pat his head.

"*gasp* yay! This is gonna be the bestest valentine's day ever! Happy Valentines day!"

Finally leaving the house, I go to the mall and buy lots of sweets. All the candies and chocolates were wrapped up in cute little bags and tied with little bows, I couldn't find any chocolate that wasn't wrapped up and cute looking so I just bought twenty heart shaped boxes of chocolate and went on my way. As I exited the store I ran into Jess.

"Mmm lucky me running into you like this~ Hey there, sweetie~ it's been a while, what have you got there~?"

I took out a box of chocolate.

"For me~? You are the sweetest~"


Jess takes a box from me and kisses my cheek, I blush.. I guess it doesn't matter since I still have a lot of chocolate left.

"Listen, I gotta go. I have some... clients... to meet up with, but how about we meet up later tonight so I can give you a special Valentine's day present~?"

Remembering my cat boy at home I politely decline the offer. He seems a bit disappointed but understands and waves as I leave.

When I get back home Momo sees all the chocolates with big sparkly eyes and takes one, already eating them. "Mmmm! They're so yummy!" I smile, happy he likes them. Throughout the day I got texts from all the guys asking to hang out today but I had to turn them all down... I did already promise Momo after all. The day goes by pretty uneventful. Momo would give me his random hugs at every turn, sit in my lap, nap on me, the usual stuff. But he was much more... affectionate. Telling me over and over how great of a master I am.

As Momo and I were sitting on the couch together, I was passively reading while Momo sat straddling my legs with his head on my shoulder, staring at the book. Momo can read but not very big or complex words, so my book (the Odyssey) has him very confused. "Master this book is haaard, you must be so super smart!" I blush at the compliment. "What's it about?" he asks with genuine interest. I think of how to simplify it as best I can.

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