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It seemed that every cowboy came to the grizzly rose on a Friday night

Mitch and I were keeping real busy behind the bar, wave after wave of costumers seem to pour in, until around 1 Am was when things started to settle.

" well hello there gorgeous"

A groups of overgrown men approached me all wearing the distinctive cow boy hats

God those are really becoming annoying

"Hello gentleman what can I get you?"

"Your number would be nice"

" I bet it would, but I don't give my number to people with horrible pickup lines so you either order or make way for those who will"

Quickly dismissing him, turning to clean some glasses

" Oooo feisty! I like it"

" my names Evan this guy to the right of me is Thomas and those two bulky men over are are Roy and Ray"

They were all very attractive Evan and Thomas had big builds, black hair and light greenish-blue eyes, with very light skin but their height paled in comparison to the other two men next to them. The other two gentlemen were also pale but both had brown eyes and a sort of brownish blonde hair

Looking at them I simply nodded and continue with my work

"Are you going to introduce yourself ? "


God she was gorgeous, such beautiful tan skin with long wavy hair, and the figure could make a man go crazy,

I wanted to talk to her but speaking was not my forte, I look over to my brother Roy and he couldn't take his eyes of the girl either

She was obviously ethnic, her features were very exotic and she had a slight Spanish accent

" you guys want a drink or something?"

"Umm a beer would be nice"

When she turned to me I couldn't help but stare, she was truly beautiful, especially when she smiled

"Sure handsome coming right up"

Handsome? Does she really think I'm handsome or was she just saying it to be nice
I mean I've been told I'm handsome before but not by a goddess such as herself 

"I'll have a beer as well please"

Did that really come out of my brothers mouth? I've never heard him ask anyone nicely before
"Make that two more sweet checks"

With a wink Sofia set both beers in front of us, also giving a great view  of her luscious chest. I couldn't stop the heat spreading against my cheeks

"Here you go Roy and Ray, Evan and Thomas, enjoy"

As she walked to attend to other guests I couldn't help but stare at the round ass of hers

The tightening in my pants began to grown uncomfortably all I could think about was grabbing on to that long hair while I hit it from the back or suckling or her breasts like a new born child.

God I want her I want her in my bed now!

" damn she's a fine piece of ass"
"Yeah like shit you see those tits!"

" shut the fuck up dumb and dumber don't talk about my girl like that!"

" your girl Roy, she hardly even knows you"

"Yeah weren't you the one that said the the new girl probably ugly and a whore like every other girls in town?"

I was fuming, how dare Evan and Thomas
talk about her like that! She's mine I don't care what others say, she will be in my bed not theirs

" that was before I met her, I've changed my mind"

" sure, whatever"

"Come on Thomas let's leave before grumpy ass ruins my mood even more"

I'm knew I fucked up, I didn't mean to be rude they were pissing me off i could tell I also pissed Ray off, is death glare directed towards the side of my face.

Feeling unwelcome I've topped off my beer and started to leave, I want to stay and chat with Sophia some more but I knew that this was not the right moment and she was far too busy

Ray followed silently behind as usual when got to the car he finally voice his opinion

" if you're going to act like this in front of Sophia your not worthy of her, I don't know what your deal is but you need to stop you been getting angry with ranch hands and even our own cousins it's not the way you treat family as you know this"

With that said, he started the car and drove home

The silence help me think about my next move and Am i really worthy for Sophia; a guy who gets angry to fast and can't keep his mouth shut, I may not have know her long but she just to beautiful to give up on.

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