Meeting again

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The alarm blared through the morning air telling me to get up and get working,
Cattle needs to be tended to and stalls needed to be cleaned
Quickly putting on my clothes I make my way down to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for the ranch hands nothing to complicated just some eggs and toast
After setting up the food the men trickle in one by one and last but not least Roy, he's been in an bad mood since we left the club last night and has been completely ignoring everyone, I knew my brother was childish but not to this extent.
Mom, Dad why did you have to baby him so much, look at the monster you created.
After breakfast we all got to working putting in the hard labor that keeps this place running

After Hours of hard work  it was time for a lunch break not being in the cooking mood, I thought treating the guys to some good old food from Peggy's Dinner was the best option. The place was around since Roy and I were children and just happened to have the best burgers in town.

The place was mildly packed not to over crowded for a afternoon. Peggy the owner her self was talking orders at the register.
"Well I'll be darned. If it isn't little Ray. How I doing little rascal"

Peggy was a very enthusiastic old woman, hard to believe she was in her 50's

"I'm good and Peggy, and you? How's the business going"

" it's going great hon you know I can't complain, ahh been awhile since I last saw you,I remember when you were just little teenage boys running around the place causing trouble ahh good times good times"

"Any who what can I get started for you"

"I going to need ten of your famous all American burgers"

" you got it!"

As I waited all I could think about was Sofia I didn't know her to well but I would like to, she was the most beautiful women I have ever seen I wish I could meet her just one more time, just once mo ...

"Hello Sofia welcome back honey how are you doing?"
"Hi Peggy!, I'm doing great and you?"

There she is... my hearts racing, her voice is so sexy I love it when she talks

" can't complain can't complain you want the usually honey?"

" yes to go please"

Talk to her idiot talk to her to be a chicken strip  talk

" hi, your Sofia right?, I saw you at the Grizzly Rose last night" I saw extending my hand

Her hands are so tiny, compared to mine it would probably look even smaller stroking my

"Yes that's me and your Ray if I remember correctly"

When are hands touched I couldn't help but feel the little sparks, I hope she feels them to

" yes, that's correct, ummm so how are you liking Water town?"

She smiled and pulled back her long silky hair, truly enchanting

"It's actually not bad here small yes, but it makes up for that with all its beauty"

"Yes beauty, so beautiful"

I couldn't help but get lost in her eyes such a nice color

"Hey, hey! Ray I think your foods ready"

"My food? Ohhhh yeah"

"Wow that's a lot m of food who are you feeding an army?"

" hahah it some times feels that way, but I can. Barely cook and my brother can't even boil water and I need to feed a dozen hungry men so this has to do"

" you guys can't cook how do you survive?!"

The look of shook on her face was to cute

" I honestly don't know, my diet consists of mostly heat up meals"

A look of pure disgust crossed face

"Heat up meals! No no no no I can't let you live like this" she says as she takes a pen a paper out of her purse " here is my number, your very lucky I'm a great cook and love cooking call me and I can teach you how to throw down in the kitchen" she says with a smile

"Sofia honey here's you food"

" thank you Peggy see you later, and Ray I expect a call from you some time soon, see you till then" 

She left, man it seems the world is a little less brighter when she's around

I wave goodbye to Peggy and start walking to my truck
But at least I got her number looking down at the ten digit number wait.... I got her number?
I got her number!!!!!!

Wow, wow just wow I got her number and she's the one who gave it to me!!!! 

I'm literally jumping for joy right now I'm actually jumping for joy

Looking up from the paper people are looking at me like I'm crazy

Glaring " mind your own business"

I hastily walk to my truck and start the drive back home
I think about all the ways I can woe Sofia when she comes over to show me how to cook

Hopefully kissing and touching will be involved

Ugh I sound like some pent up high school kid

I just hope I can make Sofia mine..............

Sorry for the long wait I'm going to start pre/writing chapters so there won't be such a long wait between updates, if you like this story check out my other Vampire lords it's also a menage type

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