Good eatin

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The names Roy and Ray kept playing in my head like a broken record they were so tall and ever so handsome

I couldn't help myself from giving Ray my number when I saw him in Peggy's dinner.

Who was I kidding I don't think that they will ever call me, a broken girl such as myself will never have an Adonis like that chasing after her.

But hey it was worth a shot. After I got home I started cleaning my room, my bathroom anyway to distract my mind from unholy thoughts of such big hands roaming my body. That's when my phone started to ring.

" hello this is Sophia"

".... hey I-it's Ray how are you doing"

" well hello Ray I'm doing just fine thank you what about yourself"

I laugh a little and sit on the coach

" just fine ma'am thank you about that offer About your cooking or teaching us to cook I was wondering if we can schedule an appointment so to say hahaha"

I couldn't help but do a little dance yess!

" ummmm sure when were u thinking ?"

" is tonight okay, I mean if ur not busy"

" yeah, for sure not busy at all can I come around seven?"

He chuckles
" yeah works out perfectly"

"Lovely, see you later then"


Ahhhhhh yes yes yes yes!!! 

I could contain the excitement I had now what to wear what to wear

Should I wear something sexy tight fitting to show off my curves

Or play it casual with jeans and a nice top

Decisions decisions


The smile never left my face as I hung up the phone, man I'm so nervous she's coming over what will happen.

Pizza boxes
Why the hell are there so many pizza boxes in this house

And why is there dirty boxers hanging from the ceiling fan, geez have we always lived in a pig pen

No no no she can't see my place like this
Gotta clean gotta clean everything!! Got to cook too please tell me there's food in the fridge

I race to the fridge

God dammit!!!

I see Roy walking past the kitchen


"Geez man, what?!"

" you clean this god damn house, while I go grocery shopping."

Putting my jacket on and grabbing the keys I quickly turn to him

" I swear Roy if this house isn't clean I'll make you clean cow shit for the rest of your life, ya hear me Roy"

Throwing up his hands

" yeah yeah okay I'll clean, don't get your panties in a twist, why are you freaking out anyway what's going on"


" that's none of your concern just worry about getting this shit cleaned up! I mean it Roy!"

Rolling his eyes

"Yeah yeah"

Running out the door I race to the car hopping to make it in time

The clock reads 5:50 damn did time fly!

As I drive I wonder was not telling Roy about Sophia coming over a good idea,? He seemed pretty angry last night and I don't

Want him taking that out on her, Jesus if your up there please do me this one favor and make things run smoothly for once in my life please!!.

Thank you to all the people reading this shitty book sorry for the long wait here you go

Sorry it's short I'm trying to make the chapter longer

And pls answer in the comments what Sofia should wear, something sexy or casual?

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