Chapter 1 - To the past

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Madara let out a frustrated growl. 'These pesky low lifes just don't know when to give up tsk. Dammit can't they just die already.' He jumped back to dodge a roundhouse kick to his head from the pinkette while bringing up his gunbai to block the sword coming from the raven and kicked the blonde away.

The blonde fell back a few meters away and coughed up some blood due the kick. He slowly got back up again while thinking 'Man that hurt. Even after coating chakra around my abdomen I receive this much damage. Have to finish this fast.' Madara threw off the other two and sent a wave of Amaterasu heading straight for the blonde and dropped to one knee. I am almost at my limit. I need to replenish at least quarter of my chakra or I am done for. Madara quickly backed away a considerable amount of distance from the trio.

'Kuso' and activated my tail beast mode. The raven and pinkette managed to skid to a stop and dashed towards their blonde companion.The raven on reaching yelled " Susanoo"  a violet glowing ribcage encased the trio protecting them from the black flames as the pinkette tried to heal the blonde with what little chakra she could muster while keeping an eye out for Madara.

Before they could commence their next attack a voice boomed inside their heads.

" Kit you can't win this fight with state you three are in."  yelled the voice filled with concern.

" It's okay Kurama there is one last trick up my sleeve. That will end the battle once and for all" replied the blonde.

" And that is....?"  asked the voice a bit intrigued.

" Shiki fuin (reapers death seal)" the blonde calmly answered. Before the voice could state his displeasure he was cut off by two other voices.

" What?" yelled the other two as they turned to look at their comrade with an incredulous expression etched on their faces while the blonde was staring straight ahead trying to avoid eye contact with his team mates.

" Naruto do you really know what you are suggesting? Or are you not aware of the consequences of using that jutsu?" asked the raven disbelief clear in his voice. I thought he stopped being a dobe but this is arggghhh I wanna pound his head into the ground.

*Sigh*" Yes Sasuke I know the risks but I am willing to do it if it will help us end this pointless war." said Naruto as he finally turned to face his team mates. I knew they would react bad. Maybe I should have just gone ahead with it without informing them. Naruto slightly turned to his other team mate and changed his option immediately after seeing her expression.  Nope I don't want to get pummelled to death with chakra enhanced fists.   

" This will not end the war kit. Your comrades will just lose another one of their precious people. There has to be another way kit. We still have some time. Madara won't attack for quite some time so think!" boomed Kurama's voice. I am forgetting something important. It's at the edge of my memory but I just can't seem to get a grasp on it. Stupid self sacrificing kit. 

" I don't have any other plans nor do I have enough chakra to work out something Kurama. Unless you can magically teleport us into the past so as to prevent this from happening then I don't have any other ideas." yelled Naruto. I am tired. All our friends are gone. I want to stop this evil from coming back once and for all. If only I had the resolve I have now to do the sealing before then all my friends, baa-chan, Kakashi-sensei and many others could have been saved.  

" Kit that's it. You are a genius kit" told Kurama. Stupid old man using a fail safe like this. If I had remembered it sooner then the kit wouldn't have had to think of using shiki fuin. Well at least my siblings and their hosts will be able to remember everything. This is the only consolation we get out of this. But it's better than nothing. 

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