Chapter 4

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Daigo followed Aldis and her grandsons to their house. It seemed normal, from the outside at least. It was fairly big, although nowhere near as large as the castle Daigo was so used to, and made of wood. He had to hold back a cough as they stepped inside. Thick smoke filled his lungs and limited his vision. Masked in the suffocating stench, there was the smell of meat cooking that made Daigo's mouth water. His stomach had ached since the first night he'd stayed in Morgana's lair and his quick escape had only made him more desperate for food. He remembered when he'd lived with Serkad and Gedmin. Back then, like Lancelot, he'd gone several days without food plenty of times.

"Come on now," Aldis spoke up, snapping Daigo out of his hunger-induced memories.

He followed wordlessly, all doubts of trusting the family disappearing. All thoughts of Morgana and her warning left his mind as well. All he had to do was get some food, water and directions to Camelot. Morgana's hovel couldn't have been very far from the castle, so if he hurried, he could probably be back in Camelot by the next day. It almost seemed too simple, but Daigo pushed aside all his worries. He would deal with them once he'd eaten.


"I want to help."
"You're already hurt."
"I won't fly. I'll just ride with you."

Leon and Percival watched the couple arguing in front of them. They, and Gwaine, had been about to ride out to search for Daigo again, when Lancelot had galloped Faradei over, determined to join them. It was the closest to a fight the two knights had seen between their friends. Daigo's disappearance was really beginning to get to them.


Lancelot's plea was directed at all three knights. Gwaine turned to Leon and Percival and shook his head. They hesitated.

"If he's just riding, I don't see an issue," Leon finally responded.
"He's hurt," Gwaine argued.
"He'll stay with us. We can make sure he's all right," Percival added.
"He's not going."
"I'm right here," Lancelot reminded Gwaine.
"You should be in your chambers, resting," Gwaine pointed out.
"Gaius said not to fly for a while. He said nothing about helping with the search."
"I'm going, whether you like it or not. You can't stop me."

With that, Lancelot turned Faradei toward the forest and started riding forward. The others hesitated for a few seconds, waiting for Gwaine's reaction. He sighed and rode after Lancelot. Leon and Percival followed.


Daigo sat at a small, roughly-made table. Algernon, Badrick and Cadby made conversation between themselves. Daigo tried to listen, but a chill ran up his spine whenever he glanced over his shoulder to see Unwin leaning against the wall behind him. The man had given up his regular seat for Daigo, but hadn't said a word since. He only stared. Daigo wasn't sure what expression he was making, but decided straight away he didn't like it. He couldn't wait to get back to Camelot.


Finally, Aldis walked in, holding a wooden bowl. She placed it down in front of Daigo with a sweet smile.

"Eat up dear."

Daigo looked up uneasily, even as his stomach gave a low growl.

"Are the rest of you not eating?" he asked, trying not to let Unwin's gaze unnerve him. The man just reminded him too much of Serkad. He was sure he was imagining all the malicious looks he saw. He'd been nothing but kind, if a bit distant.

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