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"See," She smirked.

"But... My mom was powerful too! And they killed her!" Tears were streaming down my face as I remembered.

"I know, your mom... I knew her," She flew to the middle of the sky and pointed her hands towards them and they started throwing arrows at her.

She dodged them all and took one, throwing it right at them.

I changed into my angel form, silky white hair, blue eyes that could be mistaken for diamonds, and flew right to the sky.

"You knew my mom?!" I looked at her and the Vesco's started striking at both of us.

"Seriously?!" I shouted angrily and kicked their arrows right at them.

"Yeah, I knew her... Wait what?! You're an artificial angel?!!!" She looked at me in shock.

"Yeah," I looked at her and threw away all the arrows coming at us.

I kicked some, dodged some with my wings, flicked away some with my hands and screamed: "FUCKING STOP IT!".

"You're powerful," She looked at me in horror.

"How do you know my mom?" I looked at her.

"Your mom was my cousin," She sighed.

"What?!" I looked at her.

"Yes, now tell me, what happened?"

"I'll show you," I looked down and took her hands to my head.

I looked at my mom alongside another angel struggling against them.

"Mom!" I cried, as a human, I can't do anything!

"No!" The other angel screamed when their magic hit my mom.

"No!!!" She screamed and took all their arrows with some of her vampire magic at them.

"Die!" She screamed and threw magic at them, and they all flew right back up to the sky.

She disappeared.

My dad grabbed me into his laboratory and strapped me into the bed.

He injected me with something that turned my black hair white, my brown eyes blue, and my skin pale.

I suddenly grew weird white wings and screamed while a white light took over.

"Save, your mom... Save her too..."
"Your dad did this?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Yes... He wanted me to save you, but I don't get it... why would he tell me to save my mom? Isn't she dead?"

"I'll tell you later... Now help me," She started casting magic spells at the group from Vesco's.

"That group from before," I casted a powerful spell that caused one of the angels to die.

"Yeah?" She got the killed angel and used her as a barrier from them.

"Did they die that night?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she smiled and flew right to the other side of the Vesco's so fast you couldn't even see her moving.

They were shocked so they didn't do anything, and she grabbed one of the Angels and sucked blood from her neck, causing her to die.

I took advantage of my being an artificial angel and I screamed as loud as I could, and that caused the angels to close their eyes and cover their ears in pain, and I went to their leader as fast as I could.

Since my wings were artificial, it didn't even take me a second to reach her.

"For killing my mom," she was the only angel who didn't die that night.

I used some of my magic and put my hand to her neck and she died.

The others stared in shock and put down their arrows.

They started using magic to fight.

Scarlett went back to the other side and I flew high in the sky, spread my wings, and screamed while collecting magic in my body.

I spread the magic to the Angels, which caused them all to get injured.

I went back alongside Scarlett and I looked at her.

"I'll kill the ones at the back, you kill the ones at the front," she smiled.

I flew to the group of angels at the front and threw sharp ice at them, causing 20% of them to die.

The others dodged it, but I did a flip in the air and flew fast to their backs and threw other sharp ice.

I screamed and threw magic balls at them, leaving only the 2 powerful angels behind.

I held one by the neck and stopped the other one from moving by my magic.

"Die," I squeezed her neck.

"No!" The other one cried.

"Please... let us go... we were forced to do this..."

I immediately let go of them and stared in shock.

"What?!" I looked at them.

"We're gonna be fallen angels if we don't do this," they cried.

"All Angels cast away from the group of Vesco's they... they are killed by their own group! We didn't want to be killed so we were forced to this mission.

"We'll protect you," I smiled.

Their wings turned black.

I flew with them to Scarlett, who killed all the Angels, except one.

The angel was holding Scarlett by the neck, and she let go of Scarlett, causing her to fall to the ground.

The angel threw an arrow to my chest, and it touched it, but I got the arrow before it got in, and threw it at her.

"You bitch!" I screamed and went to the other side and grabbed her from the hair.

"Die," I threw a magic ball to her back, and she faded away.

I flew to the ground and the two angels followed me.

I held my hand to Scarlett's face and looked at her.

"Stay with me," I cried.

And She FlewWhere stories live. Discover now