Sugar's POV

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"Ok" Let's begin. "Who's it about?" "It's about two fuckers named Mae and Bea!" Plumbs answered. They turned back towards the costumers. I could hear them roast the customers, so I decided to work quicker. As I finished the cupcakes I could hear them tell the customers to sit down before they would bite them. I quickly took four hardcore MaeBea lemons, placed them next to the cupcakes and walked out to the counter. "Took you a while! I almost bited those hoes!" Plumbs said. I just sighed and walked over to the costumers. "Sorry about Plumbs. They're just like that" I smiled slightly. "Umm, I don't think this is what we ordered. Cakes in cups? Wait, oh" I grinned and walked back to the kitchen high-fiving Plumbs on the way.

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