Plumb's POV

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As I walked into the party, I immediately saw Mae and Bea standing in a corner, discussing something.
'Hey, this might be fun...' I thought, and slithered over to them.
"So Bea, how are you and Gregg doing? I saw you flirting with him at the bakery. Lucky you he answered!" I smirked at her, as I literally heard Mae's heart break. "Wait... are you cheating on Gregg!? Oh my god! This is great gossip!" I said, and slithered away. 'Mission complete!' I thought, and smirked happily. I went over to Sugar, and continued smirking. "Oh, what are you up to now?" She scoffed, and crossed her arms. "Nooooothing!" I answered quickly, and smirked even wider. Suddenly, we could hear two voices arguing loudly. I turned around and saw Mae arguing loudly with Bea. 'Oh my, can it get any better!?' I sighed happily, and continued watching.

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