Plumb's POV

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This is exactly what I planned. I'm laughing. Like laughing loud. Everyone's staring at me but I don't give a fuck. "What are y'all staring at?" I said with sass. "Err... why are you laughing?" One of them said, obviously afraid of me. I walked towards him.
"P-please don't k-kill me" he said as I raised my hand. "I won't, I was just having fun" He suddenly ran away. I stared at every one of them till Sweetie was the only one left. "Why are you doing this? You know how much parties matter to me" she said and started sobbing. She's weak and shows it. I started laughing a little bit. "Why?!" She's starting to rage. "I'm outta here" I said as I left the house, bumping into at least twelve cupcakes at the way...

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