Part 11 Without You

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Part 11


Tomorrow is 25th December, but Calvin is not here... Balik2 dia ingt pasal benda dia nampak kt bilik Calvin tu. Something is not right somehow.

"Err, Oli.."terjengul sudah si Mayn di pintu bilik.

"Ni malam sy, sy ...dinner sama Ash oh... You okay with tht??"tanya si Mayn, kasihan ba dia sorang nnti.

"Pergilaa, I'm okay..."jwb Olivia. Ash jga bru sampai td dr Japan.

"You don't have any plan?"tanya Mayn.

"Nope...I'll figure out something, ok?"Olivia mencapai hp dan scroll apa entah kat situ. Kot2 ada laa event utk org lonely mcm dia.

"Sorry, kay babe, besok kita jalan2, hw abt tht??"tanya Mayn, risau ba dia, takut si Olivia kecil hati.

"Deal. Ok!"Mayn terus berlalu dan menutup kembali pintu.

Br ja dia mau letak tepi tu fon, tapi ada panggilan masuk. Tertera nama abg Ad.

Olivia- Oppa!

Adrian- My little Olivia...hey,,,uhm...You wanna come and join me for small party tonight?? It's Christmas Eve.

Olivia- I would love to!

Bukan main berbunga hati, org ajk makan kan, sapa tidak suka...

Adrian- Great. Nanti, abg ambik Oli okay? Oli buat apa tu..?

Olivia- Just daydreaming...

Terdengar ketawa si Adrian mendengar dia daydreaming, mcm tak besar pulak, masih daydreaming mcm budak.

Adrian- Aren't you too old for tht...

Olivia- Am I?....

Adrian- Look, Olivia...I want you to know something...walaupun mama dulu buat Oli mcm tu, I wanna say, you still have me as your brother. Abg rasa gembira sgt dpt jumpa Oli. And I will take care of you from now on, I don't want you to feel tht you're alone in this world. You still have me? I'mma try be a good brother...

Olivia- You already sounds like one... with those nagging...

Adrian ketawa mendengar kata2 Oli. Ya, dia mengaku dia banyak membebel. Kalah mak org.

Adrian- I'm thinking abt bringing you moving in here, my house...How's tht sound?

Olivia- Yeah sure. You sure really need to take a close look at your beautiful sister.

Adrian- I don't think so... All the good genes, abg punya, you're acceptable, in between,

Olivia- Mean! Hahahhahaa

Adrian- Well, I have works to do. See you this evening, Oli...

Lepas ja siap calling sama abg Adrian, Oli terus sampaikan khabar dia mau makan sama abg dia pd Mayn, tkut nnti dia cari2 kan.


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